Have you ever been in a situation where you have many assignments to submit in a short period of time? You start looking for a way to get everything done on time but get too stressed out? Reading this article will help you to get over those troubles relatively easily.

Read and remember these tips – they will make things a lot easier:

1.Do not go too hard on yourself!

Split your tasks in 30-minutes parts, as it is easier for our brain to process the information piece by piece with short breaks. If you try to “feed” yourself with 40 pages of some book, most likely you will forget a whole lot.

Moreover, when you split your assignment into separate parts, it is much easier to keep track of the progress and manage your time. It is even better to write down a schedule of a separate assignment and just stick to it. In that way, you can be sure that no deadline is missed.


As we all know, the most difficult part of any assignment is making the first step (creating a document and giving it a name does not countJ). Force yourself to start with at least something – it can even be one sentence or one paragraph – still better than nothing. Once you get started, it will be a lot easier to continue – just split the task into smaller parts and GET THEM DONE!


Number of pages

3. Reward yourself

We always forget to praise ourselves for an achievement. I am not saying that it has to be something crazy, but just a little treat, like an ice cream or some other favorite food, a short nap or a quick walk – whatever makes you happy. By doing that, you will encourage yourself to keep up with good work.

4. The right place to study

It is a lot more comfortable to lay in your bed and read a book, isn’t it? However, it is scientifically proven, that sitting at the desk drastically increases the effectiveness of studying or working. Moreover, your body feels a lot better while reading at a desk rather than laying on the couch.

5. Use books!

Have you ever had a moment, when you were looking for some important information online and then, 5 minutes later, you found yourself watching some weird or funny videos on YouTube? Yes, that happens to all of us. It is better to use a paper book rather than an e-book to study because this way you remember more information . On top of that, there are no popups and ads in a physical book, which is nice!

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These tips have helped a lot of students and I do hope that you will find something useful for yourself, too!

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