Free «Jewish Expectation of the Messiah and Mark's Portrayal of Jesus» Essay Sample

Free «Jewish Expectation of the Messiah and Mark's Portrayal of Jesus» Essay Sample

The relevance of the subject of expectation of the Messiah in early Judaism and Christianity has faced deliberations and opposing reactions over the world. The Jewish beliefs of the Messiah differ from one group to another, and they turn out to be stronger during hardships, like in the case of the Jewish bondage in Egypt. Its characterization and historical relevance in the archives are among the most cuttingly argued topics. Most Christian opinions regarding consideration of the perspective of the Jewish church in relation to the expectation of prophesies seem incredible to the cynics. Cynicism occurs due to an absolute lack of understanding and inability to comprehend the way the early ancient believers approached particular opinions. With the goal of realizing the role of Jesus as Messiah, it is important to address the Mark’s understanding of Jesus and the nature of Jewish expectations.

The expectation of the Messiah defines the hope that an anointed being will come to emancipate Israel and the Church at the end of the world. Christians closely believe that Messiah has already appeared in form being of Jesus of Nazareth. The appearance of Messiah is assumed to be a part of the bigger event that concerns the belief of death and its aftermath. Considerably, the human action on earth is substantially changed by the inbreaking of the God’s kingdom. At this time, God's will in the world is very noticeable and everlastingly encountered. It leaves many with a habitual supposition that this anointed person marks the the peak of human history. The term Messiah originates from the Greek language,which points to the anointed one by God (Today’s New International Version Bible, Jn 1:41; 4:25).


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Another significant concern in this expectation is the level to which the gospel of Mark played part in modeling of the theology of several terms in both Judaism and Christianity. The expectation of the Messiah approaching to liberate the Jews provided them with the hope that they would be unrestrained from captivity in the land of Egypt. The prophecy accurately defines the Messiah as the one anointed by God, who is the son of Man. However, it was stated that He would bring back the house of David and the Jewish population. Evidently from the gospel books, the hope of the Jewish concerning the coming of the Messiah can be clearly apparent. Bible depicts how Simeon and Anna agreed to the significance ofthe birth of Jesus (Mat. 1:18). Simeon specifically elaborated the role of the Messiah as a light of the disclosure of the non-Jewish people.

The arrival of the magi attracted the attention of the scholars, who showed them the appropriate direction to the place of birth of Jesus. John the Baptist, in response to the pastors and Levites commissioned for the city of Jerusalem, declares right away that he is not the Messiah. Further than the Bible, the religious leaders in the Jewish civilization had long anticipated the fulfillment of the prophecies. Also they frequently based their beliefs concerning the Messiah on the prophecies of the Old Testament. A close examination reveals that their declarations merge with the New Testament’s fulfillment of the prophecies. The Jewish society believed in the coming of Jesus before the formation of the earth through creation and His supremacy over Moses and the angels of God. In addition, they believed in His sorrows, tragic death for His people, and his kingdom. Nevertheless, their hopes also encompassed speculation outside the Scripture, which is the reason why many people denied Jesus as Messiah.

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Besides, many works written in advance of, concurrent with, and immediately after Jesus’ life and ministry evoked an imminent Messiah. Mark specifically portrays Jesus as the Son of Man, and he reminds that Jesus was human in every form (Mk.:18). In several circumstances Jesus points to himself all over the gospel of Mark as the Son of Man. In such manner, Mark contrasts Matthew who puts emphasis on Jesus as the Messiah. He projects a lot of teachings and doctrines of Jesus. For instance, he presents Jesus as the Servant, who takes care of the widows. Much of his emphasis relies on Jesus’ service and his support of the underprivileged and women. Acccording to him, Jesus is not reserved to the man’s needs, despite his dignity as the King of Kings.

In the context of distinguishing the realism of the personality of Jesus, it is necessary to consider the difference between Mark’s understanding of Jesus and the nature of Jesus himself. The two perceptions must be in connection with the expansion of understanding of the kind and importance of a lifetime on earth, demise, and the resurrection of Jesus. Considering particular situations of Mark's community, diverse features may be considered as relevant. His gospel largely concerns the slow exposure of the honored and profound declaration of God's kingdom through Jesus.

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In conclusion, consideration of the biblical explorations and theological studies reveal the significance of the Jewish expectancy of the Messiah. The relationship between the Jewish expectation of the Messiah and Mark’s portrayal of Jesus as Messiah reveals some similarities in the beliefs and general faith. It also focuses on the relationship between the Jewish hope and Mark’s depiction of Jesus. Mark presents a discourse full of marvel in the gospel books. This marvel progressively delves on the nature of Jesus Christ. He uses several of his distinct short sayings and proverbs for pivoting the incidence at Philippi. The discussion illustrates the religious expectations of the Jews in accordance with their Christian culture. Thus, the viewpoint of the Jewish expectations of the Messiah coincide with those evident in the gospel of Mark.

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