Free «Chi Square Analysis» Essay Sample

Free «Chi Square Analysis» Essay Sample

Pearson's chi-squared test is one of the important tools of statistical analysis. This criterion makes it possible to determine whether the discrepancy between empirical and theoretical distributions is random or meaningful, whether these observations are consistent or inconsistent with the hypothesis put forward by statisticians. Pearson's chi-squared test is applied to a wide range of examples taken from the world around us.

Technical analysis of the movement of markets, such as foreign exchange, stock market, insurance market, the commodity market, the market for other securities, etc., is an exciting challenge for solutions that require multiple tools of statistical analysis. Various indicators are used for predicting the movement of these markets. These indicators have been developed to facilitate the task of predicting market movements. Such indicators not always provide correct information about possible movement in the markets. Therefore, there is a problem of determining whether the indicator readings are true or false. Arthur A. Merrill successfully combines professional study statistics with the work of the technical analysis of financial markets. He reiterated his example that the Chi-square test is one of the most accurate statistical methods to determine whether evidence of this indicator is reliable.


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Also, Chi-square test is important for people who work with sport statistics. For example, while analyzing sport results of any team, it is important to determine whether the empirical distribution of sports data corresponds to normal. However, it is not the only problem Chi-square test is used for.

There are many applications that require the use of different methods of statistical analysis. Pearson's chi-squared test is used for a wide range of problems, too. The use of this test with more than two nominal variables significantly expands the range of tasks that can be decided.

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