To write an impressive and persuasive essay, a student needs to have good writing and research skills, be able to organize their work, and meet deadlines. It is true for all types of essays, including thematic essays. The academic writing of this type has a key purpose – to test students’ knowledge and understanding of specific subjects, social issues, and historical facts. Let us find out the best ways to write an essay that will help you get a good grade.

Writing and Formatting Requirements for Thematic Essay

As a rule, a thematic essay has an established format. It is divided into the title page, introduction, body, and conclusion. Sometimes, essays with excellent content get low grades because of formatting mistakes. For this reason, remember about meeting your professor’s requirements for formatting your essay, especially if they are in any way different from standard requirements.

It is highly recommended that you start working on your essay with writing an outline, gathering necessary materials, and deciding how you will express your thoughts. A thematic essay comes with the theme and the assignment. For example, the economic growth of the USA can be your theme, while the contribution of American presidents to it may be your assignment. In this type of essay, you have to show how you can analyze facts and establish connections between them. There are ways to make this process more interesting and effective. Here are some ideas:


Number of pages

1. Brainstorm. Identify the theme and the assignment of the essay you are going to write.

2. Conduct a research. Look into the history, find names of the people who are important for your writing, discover their most significant achievements and actions that influenced the course of history.

3. Thesis statement. Make an assertion based on your research.

4. Introduction. Discuss your thesis statement and briefly explain your point. It should correspond to your interest.

5. Body. Explain all of your points in details. Remember about relevant connections, citations, examples, and quotations. Use new paragraphs for different facts and points.

6. Conclusion. It should include reassertion of your thesis statement.

A thematic essay focuses on a specific issue, usually a historic fact or something from the field of social studies and literature. It should be easy-to-read and persuasive. However, writing such an essay can be difficult for some students. We are happy to assist you by giving you necessary recommendations on each step. We will help you make your essay comply with all the requirements. To facilitate your writing, you can find templates of thematic essays online and use them for guidance. Follow our tips and you will write an excellent thematic essay as well as attain huge success in academic writing.

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