Free «Chek Jawa in Singapore» Essay Sample

Free «Chek Jawa in Singapore» Essay Sample

The cape of Chek Jawa is located at the eastern periphery of the famous region of Pulau Ubin in the coast of Singapore. The cape covers approximately one square kilometer by stretch in the northeastern cost of Singapore. This area has a ground cover that is awash with natural biodiversity suitable for tourism activities and ecological sustainability. This cape draws its originality from the former fishing village that was reclaimed through a reclamation program that saw a massive creation of a natural habitat for wildlife in Singapore.

These reclamation programs were initiated by environmentalists in collaborations with naturalists who sympathized with the state of natural biodiversity in the region. At the end, came the cape of Chek Jawa that is prevailed by legislative preservation. A possible research into the historical expanse of the cape of Chek Jawa could lead to the definition of its social, biological, and physical indicators that could result in exploration of visitor management issues, either direct or indirect, that could also lead to the recommendation of sound management practices, geared towards sustainability, which forms the essence of this paper.


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An analysis of the Chak Jawa region revealed that the nature of drainage is poor with limited water channels. This scenario has exacerbated the situation has leading to the existence of the wetlands that are poorly drained. Soil chemistry in Chek Jawa is heavily influenced by rich in mineral elements that result from the decomposition of organic matter. The mangrove forests contribute to the process of rhizosphere priming that coordinated fixation of the mineral elements in the soil. Soils are highly productive due to the high humus content. The depth of litter and duff is low. The area of bear ground is approximately one quarter of the whole expanse of Chek Jawa, where the rocky mountains form the course of the day. The total number of fire rings is four, including the overlooking hills that are vulnerable to the dangers of fire, while the number of social trails varies depending on the prevalent weather conditions.

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