Free «How to Stop Looking Like a Stereotypical Freshman» Essay Sample

Free «How to Stop Looking Like a Stereotypical Freshman» Essay Sample

You have always wanted to become a college student and here you are. The only thing we want to ask you is to stop looking like stereotypical freshmen. Indeed, 9 out of 10 upperclassmen may easily identify freshmen in the crowd of college students. What makes them so distinguishing? Usually, it is their extraordinary behavior, such as walking in herds, dressing up, appearing to a class 20 minutes before it starts, chatting on the phone with Mom, etc. Upperclassmen consider such behavior ridiculous although they acted the same during their first year. If you want to get rid of freshmen’s typical behavior, follow these easy steps.

  1. Hide the lanyards. Remember that lanyards are not nice accessories. On the other hand, if you prefer wearing one around your neck, you are immediately determined as a freshman. So, it is better to hide the lanyard in your pocket, backpack or wallet.
  2. Change your style. High school years are left behind, and it is high time to upgrade to college gear. Now you can wear your favorite high school garments only when you are alone in a dorm room. So, it is better to leave all your clothes at home. In addition, fancy clothes and bright accessories are not something that a college student wears on a daily basis. Before buying new garments, it is better to feel the spirit of college and then choose appropriate clothes.
  3. Use a map on your phone. Nothing looks more miserably than a lost freshman. Although it is complicated to find the correct route to your study room during the first days at campus, try hard to avoid going astray. Download a college map on your phone and use it until you learn your everyday directions by heart.
  4. Appear to classes on time. It is pointless to get to your classes 15-20 minutes before they start. Although you are afraid to be late, it is not necessary to wait in the crowd of the other freshmen. Use this time wisely. You may go outside and relax, reread the syllabus or other important materials given by a professor.
  5. Be modest. There is nothing wrong in being proud of your high school achievements and high GPA or ACT/SAT scores if you do it silently. Don’t show off or share your accomplishments everywhere you go. Such behavior may easily repel other students, since nobody likes bragging. You may be a genius and a totally amazing person, but let your classmates discover your qualities on their own. In such a way, your achievements will indeed help you to find new friends.

If you want other students perceive you as you are of the same batch, follow these pieces of advice so that no upperclassman will categorize you as a freshman based on your naïve and inappropriate behavior.

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