Before choosing a degree program, you should be able to differentiate between the college degree levels. You should know what degree levels exist and what each of them implies. Otherwise, how would you know how far you can go in your academic career?
We have prepared this article to help you figure out what academic degree levels are, what graduate degrees are, what the highest degree is, and where to get help to obtain the desired academic level
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Types of College Degree Levels
There are several kinds of college degree levels which you can obtain.
They can be divided into two categories such as:
Below, there is also a list of college degrees ranging from the lowest to the highest:
Though doctoral degrees are considered the highest, some academic programs may stop at a Master’s degree. This academic level may be regarded as the highest degree in a particular field.
Highlighting the Peculiarities of Academic Degrees
It’s clear that all academic degrees differ from each other. It would be good to be aware of some of their basic features to avoid failure when completing assignments. For this reason, we have prepared a brief description of each of them so that you do not feel at a loss when working on your assignments. So, let’s start:
High School Level
A high school diploma is provided upon graduation. Students are awarded with a high school degree after completing the courses lasting for four years, i.e. from 9th to 12th grade. The requirements for obtaining a high school degree vary depending on the state.
The most common types of assignments ordered by high school students are essays, discussion board posts, coursework, research papers, case briefs, lab reports, case studies, article reviews. -
College Level
For example, to complete a bachelor’s degree program, which also relates to college level, students have to complete a minimum of 120 semester hours. Depending on the educational establishment, the number of hours may vary. A cumulative GPA has to be no lower than C.
As to the types of papers that are commonly ordered at a college level, they are: essay, discussion board posts, coursework, case studies, questions-answers, PowerPoint presentations, research papers. -
University Degrees
To obtain one of the university degree levels, a lot of independent research work has to be conducted. The studies may take between 1 and 8 years to get a specific university degree.
The types of papers that are typically ordered by university students are the following: essays, discussion board posts, coursework, research papers, questions-answers, case studies, PowerPoint presentations. -
Masters’ Degree
When working for your master’s degree, you need to complete a minimum of 30 graduate semester hours not taking into account those needed for a Bachelor’s degree. A minimal cumulative GPA is B. Of course, there may be some additional requirements, which depend on the program you are enrolled on.
The pieces of writing that are most frequently ordered at this level are essays, discussion board posts, coursework, PowerPoint presentations, questions-answers, research papers, case studies. -
Doctoral Degree
To get a doctoral degree, you need to complete a minimum of 52 graduate semester hours not taking into account those required for a master’s degree. A minimum cumulative GPA for completing a doctoral degree program is B. As well as with the aforementioned academic degree levels, the requirements for the highest degree may vary depending on the university.
The assignments/services that are most commonly ordered by Ph.D. students are essays, discussion board posts, research papers, term papers, dissertations, report writing, revisions.

Assistance in Getting Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees
Earning a bachelor’s degree or that of any other type may be rather complicated.
The studying process is usually challenging with lots of assignments and projects to be completed within tight deadlines. Without exaggeration, the academic workload at any educational establishment, be it high school, college or university, is huge, which makes it hard for students to cope with it. In this case, one should consider looking for a reliable online writing company to get professional assistance from.
If you are on this page, you no longer need to spend your time searching for a decent agency since is what you need. We have been operating in the online writing industry for a considerable period of time. Our team has already dealt with customers of different academic levels, which means we can do assignments of different levels of complexity. Whether you need assistance with high school tasks, college papers or Ph.D. assignments, we are at your disposal.
Most Frequently Set Deadlines at Different Academic Degree Levels
Apart from the kinds of assignments ordered by students at a specific academic degree, we can also single out the time frames that are commonly set by our customers who are working on either undergraduate or graduate degrees. So, draw your attention to the table presented below:
High school
Academic levels
Most typical deadlines set
Academic levels
Most typical deadlines set
Academic levels
Most typical deadlines set
Academic levels
Most typical deadlines set
Academic levels
Most typical deadlines set
It’s seen that the majority of the deadlines chosen by our clients are short. It’s understandable that students are not always able to handle their assignments within such tight time frames. That’s why they tend to turn to our team for assistance. If you see that you can’t meet your deadlines when earning a bachelor’s degree, the highest degree or any other one, address us. Our writers are skilled and qualified enough to complete writing projects of different levels of complexity on schedule. Thus, if you are afraid of missing your deadlines, hurry to delegate your assignments to us.
Professional Help for Students Obtaining Advanced Academic Degrees
We’d like to emphasize that doctoral degrees are not the only ones which we can assist students with. It goes without saying that our team of professionals can also provide help with assignments at a master’s or high school level. However, in this section, we’d like to tell more about the way our Ph.D. papers are managed.
Intricate instructions, fear of failure because of plagiarized content detected in your academic work, etc. shouldn’t bother you anymore. Our specialists know how to produce top-notch material based on fresh ideas. With us, getting doctoral degrees is much easier!

So, how do we maintain a top quality of the papers written at the highest degree? Have a look at the following points:
- We make sure all requirements are met and all instructions are followed.
- Each Ph.D. paper goes through careful academic editing. Our professional editors thoroughly scan each piece of writing to make sure it’s free from any errors, i.e. grammar, punctuation, etc.
- Papers ordered by clients obtaining their doctoral degrees are always scanned for plagiarism (it can be said about any writing project ordered on our website). We understand that our users want to get nothing but authentic content, and we always do our best to provide them with such.
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Whether it goes about earning a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or any other one, the process may be tough.
Considering constant academic pressure and enormous workload, it becomes understandable and absolutely clear why students seek assistance from professional writers who have respective expertise, skills and qualifications. We, at, are always at our customers’ disposal. Our specialists hold BA, MA and doctoral degrees, which means they can cover diverse topics no matter the complexity level. Moreover, they are aware of the specifications and standards intrinsic to undergraduate and graduate degrees. It follows that the papers they create always correspond to the established academic criteria.
So, whether you are working towards your BA degrees or doctoral degrees, you can count on us to help you out. Feel free to address us regardless of your current academic level and be absolutely sure of getting expert assistance!