At present, higher education must be facing the greatest change, i.e. potential threat in the face of artificial intelligence (AI). This technology often conflates real facts with fiction what makes it hard to understand which information is real and which is generated by bots. Despite this, colleges and other educational establishments have started using AI technologies. For example, AI writing tools are used to generate tasks and assignments, create dashboards and digitalize workflows.
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Moreover, bots are used to respond to students’ questions about health issues, schedules, send them emails reminding them of tight deadlines, exams, assignment submissions, etc.
As to students, they also use content writing tools to complete their projects. One of the most popular bots used by them is ChatGPT. The question is whether they know how to use AI technologies not to damage their academic performance. Let’s discover what AI is, what its pros and cons are and how its use impacts students’ performance.
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AI Content Writing Tools: What Are Those?
To get a better understanding of content writing tools, it is necessary to find out what they imply. So, these are specific systems that use artificial intelligence and process natural language to create content.
Since some aspects of the writing procedure are automated, the AI technologies are considered time-saving. Still, human-generated material is always better when it goes about uniqueness and quality than that produced by some bots. That is why there are certain restrictions on using AI.
Though content creation tools compose texts quickly, they still can’t produce the outcome provided by humans. AI instruments can’t reflect people’s emotions, experience, thoughts, and feelings, which means the AI-generated material lacks customization, specifics, and validity. Additionally, human essay writers are better in detecting the techniques that should be used to create a specific work than some bots. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of AI instruments to see whether it is worth using them in the academic area.
Advantages of Using Content Creation Tools
The types of AI writing tools vary. Each of them has its own peculiarities, core features and, of course, positive and negative aspects. In order not to spend much time analyzing each specific type, we have compiled a list of points that highlight the pros of using AI writing software. So, it may:
Provide students with extra studying resources;
Help students master their writing skills;
Create texts on diverse topics;
Give a particular viewpoint on some aspects of the topic and help students determine the areas of improvement;
Quickly complete the tasks of different nature;
Both write texts and complete questions-answers assignments;
Process a large amount of information.
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As it has been stated above, applying AI technologies saves much time, what is important for students. This must be one of the major reasons for which students often submit AI-generated material. One more aspect to consider is the cost of such software. It varies depending on the kind of tool used. Still, in the majority of cases it’s affordable, and this is the second factor that influences students’ decision to use AI software.
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Peculiarities of Paper Writing
Before talking about what’s wrong about the use of AI technologies in the academic area, it’s necessary to find out what is considered right in terms of academic writing. So, when talking about academic papers, it is essential to underline the importance of the following aspects:
Top-Notch Academic Writing
Accuracy of Data
When writing essays or any other papers, students have to conduct thorough research to base their works on reliable data. Accurate information provided in a paper proves that it’s credible. Otherwise, you may forget about a high grade.
Thorough Evaluation of Sources
Creating content of any kind, you have to make sure that the sources you are using are reliable. Moreover, you need to critically assess the chosen resources to ensure those are focused on your topic.
Proper Citations
In the course of writing essays, term paper, etc., students often use quotes from specific sources. To give credit to the source authors, it is necessary to arrange citations in the right manner. Correctly organized citations help readers verify the source you’ve used.
Objective Writing
Academic works have to clear, objective, consistent, and fact-based. Vague expressions used in papers may confuse readers and cause some misunderstandings. To convey one’s message to readers clearly, one should make certain that the used language is accurate.
As it is seen, the accuracy, precision, objectivity and credibility matter a lot when it goes about writing essays or any other works. Paying close attention to these factors, you strengthen the validity of your papers. Human essay writers can do that for you, i.e. produce a credible paper. The question is whether the AI-generated material can be considered such. Let’s clarify the matter.
So, What’s Wrong with AI Writing? Highlighting the Disadvantages of Using AI Tools for Writing Essays
Using AI software such as ChatGPT or that of any other kind to create papers may be rather tempting. Using it, you expect to get sound and well-arranged AI-generated material based on powerful evidence which is, of course, taken from credible sources of information. Can AI provide you with this kind of content? Sounds doubtfully.
Below, there is a list highlighting the major risks of using ChatGPT or other AI tools for creating content of academic character:
Doubtful Authenticity
When creating content, AI repeats existing ideas. It doesn’t generate unique concepts. The point is that such technology uses some algorithms and patterns designed to help it generate material using a large number of already prepared texts. It follows that you get the same so-called “old” text shaped in a different way, which can be hardly called unique. So, submitting AI-produced papers, you submit recycled material.
Lack of Critical Assessment
Developing students’ critical thinking skills must be the core purpose of almost each assignment. The AI bots can’t think critically, do proper evaluations, and form a completely objective viewpoint based on the matter in question. This is a real problem when it goes about academic paper writing. Only human essay writers with emotional intelligence intrinsic to people can compose appealing and objective papers.
Misinterpretations and Inaccuracies
Since the language models used by AI are based on pre-existing data, the chances the AI-generated material will be inaccurate and full of discrepancies are very high. The submitted papers which contain false or outdated information or some misinterpretations may serve the so-called indicator of your unawareness of the topic and inability to do research. If you hand in such “poor” papers, you shouldn’t expect a good grade.
Machine Nature of Writing
There is a huge difference between human-generated content and that created by some bots. It is reflected in the way the written paper sounds. Every person has their own specific tone, voice and style of writing. And this is the very zest of human-generated material. The language models embedded in AI software let it produce the content that sounds the same. The lack of literary devices and emotionally colored vocabulary makes the machine-generated text sound artificial.
High Risk of Being Caught
There are different tools for detecting the material produced by bots. For example,,,, and others. It means that professors can quickly find out whether the submitted paper was generated by some AI tool. As a result, the student, who has handed in such a work, may be penalized for plagiarizing or even expelled.
AI technologies may seem to be a superior problem solver for students.
However, it is worth thinking twice before using it since it may put one’s academic performance at risk, and this is obviously not what students expect.
AI vs. a Custom Essay Writing Service: Why Is Human-Generated Content much Better?
When it goes about academic works, one should be particularly attentive to each related aspect, i.e. grammar, accuracy, credibility of data, sentence structure, coherence, etc.
Students have to make sure that their writing projects are perfect in terms of the mentioned items. Considering the fact that it’s not that easy, many students question themselves whether they can handle the assigned tasks on their own or it’s better to use some AI program like ChatGPT, for example. Well, taking the aforementioned points into account, it can be stated that AI technologies can’t substitute qualified human essay writers, such as ours.
Let’s explain what makes experienced human writers better in creating content of academic character than modern artificial intelligence technologies.
Papers Written according to the Given Instructions
Unlike bots, skilled writers write texts that completely satisfy customers’ requirements. For example, our human writers always adhere to clients’ guidelines. Moreover, we allow communication between our writers and customers what ensure the desired final outcome. It means that if some clarifications are required, our experts will make a specific request. AI won’t tell you that some instructions are missing.
Consistent Texts
Without a doubt, AI machines can generate some text but its quality remains doubtful. Can bots create papers that are logical and where sections are logically connected with each other? Can bots ensure smooth transitions between the paragraphs? Our experienced writers can do that with ease because they have been dealing with writing for many years and know all its ins and outs. Our human writers create coherent texts without any artificial sounding.
Original Papers Only
The issue of plagiarism that may arise when using some writing bots has already been discussed. But what about human essay writers? Qualified writers know that plagiarism is unacceptable in academic works. Our specialists provide authentic material only. They create texts from scratch following customers’ directions and using their ideas. Moreover, each work is checked for plagiarism by trustworthy software, and our clients can even order a plagiarism report which can serves as valid proof of originality.
Careful Check of Sources
Skilled human essay writers can check the credibility of sources. They know how to make sure that the collected information is reliable and accurate. As to machines, they use the existing sources without evaluating their validity because they lack the judgement function which is natural for human writers.
Completely Custom-made Papers
Trained human writers like ours are good at creating customized material that doesn’t lack a personal touch. This option is unavailable to AI programs. Human-generated material is always engaging, catchy and the one which makes readers feel profound emotions. Machines can’t understand human emotions and, therefore, can’t articulate them through writing.
Correct Formatting
Professional human essay writers format citations correctly. The writers working for us are aware of the latest formatting standards and requirements. They are completely familiar with the peculiarities of all citation styles and can format papers properly in any of them. As to bots, they may have problems with citing sources since the latest data concerning citation styles may not just be embedded in their algorithms.
It is apparent that AI technologies can’t replace qualified and proficient writers due to numerous nuances. So, why risk your grades if you can hire an accomplished human writer and be sure of getting the material of unmatched quality?
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Address Us for Top-notch Human-Generated Content
If you need assistance with your assignments, projects, etc., you are welcome to use our essay writing service. Considering the points described above, you’ve probably understood that our team comprises outstanding writers who are skilled and qualified enough to write profound papers that meet the established standards. However, our experts are not the only our benefit. Have a look at the following points:
Option 1
You are a first-year student who is still unaware of the peculiarities of college studies and have constant worries about that. Using our essay writing service, you will forget about anxiety concerning pressing deadlines, complex topics, etc.
Option 2
If you are about to graduate, our service will also come in handy. Our team can help you solve the problem called “lack of time.” We know that senior students are busy with numerous assignments and often can’t complete all of them on time. With us, your tasks will be done on schedule.
Option 3
You need sound SEO-driven content. You have used ChatGPT but are unsatisfied with the produced text. Do not worry since you can delegate it to us and we will fix it taking all your comments into account. Using our service, you will get powerful and high-quality human-generated content with properly inserted keywords. The provided material will correspond to the latest trends and algorithms established by Google.
Option 4
If you hire our human writer and see that some requirements have not been met, you can request a revision, the option which is not offered by AI.
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to receive excellent human-generated content that will meet your needs whether it goes about grammar, coherence, structure, logics, emotional aspect, SEO facets, formatting, etc.
We always take a personal approach to our orders what can’t be done by some bots. Of course, it is worth admitting that our company keeps up with the times. We track the changes in the area of education, blogging, SEO, etc. to be aware of new trends and be able to give our customers the best. At the same time, we think that the instructions, which students get from their professors, have to be followed precisely, the matter of academic integrity cannot be violated, and a serious approach should be taken to each task. For these reasons, we stand for professionally written, well formatted and properly structured human-generated material.
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