To make the use of our online services more beneficial for our customers, we have introduced an outstanding VIP package that includes several attractive options. Ordering it, you will get a wonderful opportunity to make your experience of using our services even more pleasant. So, let’s go into greater detail to understand what exactly the offered VIP services involve.

Writing Quality

A respective level of writing quality can be chosen either on the order page or on the payment one.

  • Standard

    Choosing this level, you can be sure that your assignment will be completed by an expert competent in your field of study. It will be delivered to you on the due date.
  • Premium

    Want to be confident that your paper will be quickly assigned to one of our writers? Choose this level! In this case, your order will appear on the list of other VIP assignments. Our customer support team will do their best to assign it to the most qualified writer. Additionally, this level implies a “detailed plagiarism check.” You will also receive a report on plagiarism in the PDF format that contains our editor’s comments on the results of plagiarism scanning.
  • Supreme

    This level includes not only a “Detailed plagiarism check” function but also the assignment of one of our top 30 writers to your order. Remember that your writing project is of cardinal importance for us.
Top-Notch Academic Writing
Proofreading and Editing Services

Valuable Proofreading and Editing Services

We make certain each work produced by our writers is perfect in terms of quality. That’s why each paper goes through a careful editing check done by our professional editors. Ordering our VIP package, you have an opportunity to be provided with the best online editing and proofreading services. Your writing project will be thoroughly checked for grammar, punctuation and other issues by a proficient specialist.

No more grammatically incorrect texts!

  • Get your papers proofread by professionals!

Get a Full PDF Plagiarism Report

When ordering this VIP option offered by our agency, you get a full PDF plagiarism report of your paper with the percentage of possible matches found and links. This option allows you to make sure that your work is free from any copy-pasted content.

Plagiarism checkUse our plagiarism check option to submit
original papers!

Our company offers a free revision option within 2 days after the expiration of the imposed deadline. Nevertheless, our VIP clients can get their writing projects revised at no cost within 4 days after their completion. Just state exactly what aspects require improvement.

Professional Top 30 Writers

It is as clear as day that only well written academic works produced
according to professors' specifications may bring high grades.

Our professional essay writers can help you get the desired scores. What is more, you have an opportunity to get your assignment completed by one of our top 30 writers.

All you need to do is get the VIP status. Ordering our VIP package, your piece of writing will be assigned to a professional who has great experience in writing similar academic works and specializes in a specific area. Without a doubt, your paper will meet the latest standards set in the academic area.

Top 30

Get the most experienced writer
in the relevant discipline!

Our Top-Rated Writers

VIP Support

Ordering our VIP services, you can rest assured that all your requests, concerns, and questions will be processed in the first turn. Whether you give us a call, send an email or contact us via our live chat option, you will be responded promptly. Since our customer support agents work 24/7, you are free to get in touch with them anytime.

Get the VIP status and take advantage of the opportunity to track the progress of your assignment. Owing to the SMS notifications option, you will know when the payment is verified, writer is assigned, your paper is edited and completed.

SMS Notifications

Exclusive Features Which Our VIP Customers Can Enjoy

Our VIP customers receive their completed papers before the imposed deadlines. If to be precise, your assignment will be ready for download from your account 20% earlier the set due date.

So, you’ll have plenty of time to examine it and request a revision if required. Moreover, you will get a free 1-page draft of each ordered paper and therefore be able to see whether the assigned expert is moving in the right direction and provide some recommendations if needed. In addition, a period of a free revision extends from 48 hours to 4 days. Our VIP customers’ papers are always carefully proofread by our qualified editors to make sure they do not contain any mistakes. In addition to considerable VIP support, our customers are also sent SMS notifications to be aware of the stages which their orders are at.

You may finally stop struggling with your assignments on your own! Contact us for help and get proper homework solutions! Cooperating with us, you can benefit from a broad range of services, the VIP ones included. In case some questions arise, contact our support representatives without hesitation!

VIP Services

extended REVISION

2.00 USD


3.00 USD

Get an order
Proofread by editor

3.99 USD

Get an order prepared
by Top 30 writers

4.80 USD
5.99 USD

Get a full
PDF plagiarism report

9.99 USD

VIP Support

PACKAGE 23.82 USD20% off



Preparing Orders


Active Writers


Positive Feedback


Support Agents

Three Types of VIP Accounts to Choose From

Our customers have an opportunity to choose the features included in their VIP account. Those depend on the type of plan selected.

Note that the more months you choose – the lower cost of the “VIP Account” option becomes!

One more great thing to consider is that our VIP clients are provided with special PR offers on holidays, e.g. -20% discount.

Get VIP Account
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Ensure Your Academic Success with Our Verified Work Report Service

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