Free «Clinical Passport» Essay Sample

Free «Clinical Passport» Essay Sample

The Clinical Passport is an essential standard and service that every clinician and nursing student ought to take into account before handling any patient. In essence, it is a record of all vaccinations against preventable diseases that a given patient has undergone. Nursing students and all caregivers should understand the time and type of vaccines administered to patients. Consequently, the Clinical Passport helps to make a positive difference in the patients’ lives. This information is important and nurses should copy and retain it for the future reference when the patient returns. It is the responsibility of a professional to know the health care requirements of their patients as part of heath care worker preventive measures. The Nebraska Clinical Passport, the Tennessee Clinical Placement System, and the Clinical Passport Northwest are some of the Clinical Passport companies in North America that dedicate their efforts toward ensuring the safety of patients and their physicians through proper record keeping. Accordingly, the current paper explores the elements of cost, merits, and demerits of the Clinical Passport in relation to the above-mentioned companies.


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Nebraska Clinical Passport

The Nebraska Clinical Passport is the Nashville branch of the Total Clinical Placement System (TCPS). The Clinical Passport Company primarily provides most of its services on its websites where clients can access the information they require via the online platform. The use of online technology is advantageous for the company and its clients because it improves the efficiency of record keeping as far as vaccination information is concerned. Besides, the Clinical Passport offered by the Nebraska Clinical Passport is accessible to both medical students and employees, which expands benefits to many people. When students and employees access vaccination records, they can understand the immunity status of various patients before they conduct any test on them or administer any treatment. All software or plug-in used in the TCPS is free and readily available for downloading. It is also time- and cost-saving through the streamlining of orientation, placement requests, as well as documentation. The major disadvantage of the Nebraska Clinical Passport is that it does not cater for the students and employees who cannot access its online services. Another setback of the system is that one spends time on the computer to use the orientation site of the TCPS  to avoid troubleshooting later. The employees and students may make a double placement. However, the company charges $50 for its Clinical Passport services (Nebraska Clinical Passport, 2015)

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Tennessee Clinical Placement System

The Tennessee Clinical Placement System is also affiliated with the TCPS where the customers, who include students and employees, access the Clinical Passport via an online platform. The company is based in Tennessee, just as the name suggests, making it accessible to a broad clientele. The company’s costs are slightly higher than in the Nebraska Clinical Passport in the sense that students pay $70 while employees pay $60 to access the Clinical Passport. The benefit of using the Tennessee Clinical Placement System is that it serves most nursing students around Tennessee besides the employees. Another advantage is that most software and plug-in is readily available and free. The affiliation of the company with the TCPS enhances its credibility across the region in addition to attracting more students and employees who seek Clinical Passports for various health care reasons. However, the primary challenge is the heightened competition in Tennessee, considering many Clinical Passport Companies in the region (Tennessee Clinical Placement System, 2016). Furthermore, the system does not cater for customers who cannot access it online, and one has to have correct logins that are case specific. Moreover, the logins are annually changed; thus, one should be kept updated not to have obsolete data.  There may also exist a double placement of data by student or employees.

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Clinical Passport Northwest

The Clinical Passport Company anchors its services on the educational partnership by providing Clinical Passports to all players in the healthcare industry. The company achieves this objective through the collaboration with other stakeholders in the industry, which makes it accessible for offering remarkable clinical learning experiences. The company has also kept its mission in promoting excellent health and nursing excellence globally through continuous education and training. Some of the benefits of seeking the Clinical Passport from the Clinical Passport Northwest include operational transparency, educational excellence, collaboration, and a high quality of patient care. Other advantages include mutual respect, fiscal responsibility, quality safety services, equity, as well as trust. However, the disadvantages of the service include the high cost of the services offered by the company. Due to online registration, there could be the tendency of a double placement of employees and students. Essentially, individual students and employees will have to pay $100 to access the services (Clinical Passport Northwest, 2016). Moreover, one has to register to have a login to access the services, therefore, making the process tedious.

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The Clinical Passport industry thrives, especially in relation to the Nebraska Clinical Passport, the Tennessee Clinical Placement System, and the Clinical Passport Northwest, which depicts a vibrant health sector. The Clinical Passports offered by the three companies help nursing employees and students to provide better health care, although they charge differently. The information contained in the Clinical Passport is important, and nurses should copy and retain it for the future reference when the patient returns. However, it is important for members to know the health care setting since health care requirements are particular in each organization.

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