Free «The 10 Greatest TV Shows. The Hollywood Insiders’ Rating» Essay Sample

Free «The 10 Greatest TV Shows. The Hollywood Insiders’ Rating» Essay Sample

Of course, you may have your own preferences as to TV shows and series. However, it is really interesting to know what the people who are making these shows think. So, more than 2,800 Hollywood insiders, actors, directors and producers among them were invited to (anonymously) name their all-time favorite series.

Here are their top 10 choices (check the rest of the 11-100 answers at the THR’s website):

10. The Simpsons

This dysfunctional family has been making people laugh for more than 570 episodes already. And now it’s on its way to Season 27. The series has definitely deserved its place on this list.

9. Mad Men

Widely criticized, this series positioned AMC as a network to go for top-quality shows. The exquisite sense of humor and attention to detail is of much interest to the audience. The seven seasons of Mad Men reminded us of how much alcohol and cigarettes were advertised and abused in the 1960s.

8. I Love Lucy

The oldest series on this list, the episodes of I Love Lucy won millions hearts with its hilarious style. Lucille Ball was unforgettable and inimitable. There is hardly any episode that can be considered as hilarious as “Lucy Does a TV Commercial.”


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7. Saturday Night Live

Even longer than the Simpsons, this show was a career start to many comedians. Its live manner and topical approach made it extremely popular. The series is not perfect, but great in its imperfection.

6. The Sopranos

Since its first episode was released in 1999, the Sopranos remain one of the most popular episodes. The stellar team of Gandolfini and Falco was one of the top reasons for its popularity. You may love it or not, but the insiders voted for it.

5. Seinfeld

The Show on how weird people can be is meaningful to many people. The series showed ordinary episodes of everyday life and turned them into iconic items. The show ended on the peak of its popularity.

4. Game of Thrones

A rating monster, this series is based on an extremely popular novel series by George Martin. A crazy mixture of fantasy and politics keeps the audience in tension. The constant surprise deaths are a memorable feature of this series.

3. The X-Files

The engaging storyline made this series a hit. Mulder and Scully became popular among all age groups. The fun and mystery made everyone love it.

2. Breaking Bad

This series has shown how many people love black humor. It will remain one of the most popular series in the decades to come. The countless things make this show popular among multi-million audiences.

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1. Friends

Let’s confess: most of us miss the six friends from New York for years after the series is over. It somehow combined silliness and moral lessons. Friends is a cult show admired by audience and Hollywood insiders alike.

I bet that at least some of these are on your list of favorites too. Well, if you still don’t know what to do this weekend, you can watch some of your beloved series.

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