Free «Criminal Injustice» Essay Sample

Free «Criminal Injustice» Essay Sample

Suicide is among some of the effects incurred as a result of frustrations in life. According to Nock et al., it is a complicated task to foretell and avoid suicide since people who contemplate to end their lives frequently have no desire or even ability to reveal their motives. As a result, this state of affairs makes it difficult to implement laws and justice towards suicide instances as they involve taking one’s life but the involved one does not exist. The improvement and development of a new system has enhanced the measurement of implicit cognition to facilitate a chance to inspect whether automatic links of somebody using death can offer a behavioral marker for suicide hazard.

According to Nock et al., they measured implicit associations concerning suicide or death in 157 people who addressed psychiatric emergency departments in search of treatment. The data gathered evidenced that people who have endeavored in suicide had a more powerful and meaningful association between death and themselves than those who experienced intense distress but have never tried to end their lives. In addition, the latent association of suicide with one’s own self confirms that the suicide incidents are associated with various factors like depression or suicide-attempt history. According to Nock et al., their research provides evidence of a behavioral marker for suicidal behavior and proposes that actions of implicit perception may be of help to identify and foresee crucial clinical behaviors; as a consequence, suicidal inclinations could be traced prior any events. Current theories of suicide motives suggest that individuals murder themselves to run away from unbearable existence or circumstances, which mostly result from unfavorable life events and the knowledge of mental disorder.


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The article ‘An Elephant Crackup?’ deals with murders performed not by human beings. Such events leave the affected families distressed and unable to attain justice for the actions; in this case, mere elephants are to blame. Those few individuals who risk in trapping elephants and killing them to execute justice over their fellows’ killings end up being killed by elephants as well. This was evident from Nelson Okello’s stories. A young Indian tourist was killed by an elephant in this fashion two years ago in Murchison Falls National Park (Siebert). According to Siebert, elephant attacks have become rather commonplace; this encouraged elephant researchers to establish a new statistical category, known as Human-Elephant Conflict, (H.E.C). Gay Bradshaw, a psychologist, advices people to stop adoring elephants to avoid any confrontation, since their relation with the elephants began to deteriorate. Scientists cannot rationally explain such elephants’ actions. In Nature journal, some specialists argue that the current elephant populations suffer from a certain form of chronic stress, a type of species-wide trauma.

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‘The Two Men and Two Paths’ article reveals a story about two men who have the same name but come from different parts of the continent. It is interesting that their background and lifestyle seem similar despite the difference between them. The fact that they came from diverse diaspora seems an amazing issue in accordance with their actions. They both were named Wes Moore. It happened so that they both came from poor backgrounds. That fact acted as a challenge; nevertheless, it is revealed that such a condition did not make them achieve their education; the events in the story occur in different dimensions. The author, who appears to be one of those two men, explains his stressful experience received in the educational institution; it was there that he got to mingle with children from rich backgrounds who were rather friendly. The other Wes Moore, in turn, starts working first and then enrolls in school. The injustices begin to occur when both of them are imprisoned for various reasons: one Wes Moore seems to make his way out and prosper while the other one serves a life time sentence. All this happens as a result of poverty.

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The above articles prove that there truly exists injustice in criminal offences; in many cases crimes are left unpunished. However, government tries to take certain precautions and actions to deal with such cases. These steps include the introduction of special hospitals to deal with mental disorder, introduction of fair and just judiciary sector and introduction of specific places of habitat for elephants. These actions have helped to solve the crimes illustrated above, although still much remains to be accomplished in the future.

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