Free «William Edwards Deming» Essay Sample

Free «William Edwards Deming» Essay Sample

William Edwards Deming is a famous American professor, engineer, statistician, and management consultant. His famous system of Fourteen Points for Management serves as a useful guideline for managers from all over the globe. Deming dedicated his entire life to learning and analyzing the principles of quality management. With the help of his methods, the major organizations managed to improve their structures and relationships with other companies by enhancing the quality of their products and services. Therefore, the essay analyzes the contribution of William Edwards Deming to the sphere of quality management, in particular, in Japan. 

In 1921, William Edwards Deming obtained an engineering degree and in 1928, he was awarded a doctorate in Mathematical Physics. The scientist dedicated the following 10 years to lecturing on physics, mathematics, and statistics. However, William Edwards Deming became a widely acknowledged statistician for his effective methods which helped Japan to stimulate its recovery after World War II. In fact, Deming aided Japan’s economy to a great extent and “spurred the subsequent global success of many Japanese firms in the late 20th century” (“Edwards Deming,” 2016).


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After World War II, the economy of all the countries was undermined. In 1949, Deming moved to Japan to help the government to develop the country. Similar to every new theory, Deming’s approach was also criticized. Despite the fact that some Japanese top managers disagreed with Deming’s theories, a number of corporations believed the scientist and began making substantial changes based on his methods “integrating them with their approaches to improving quality” (Saunders & Saunders, 1994, p. 115). Japan’s government acknowledged the need for the study and implementation of statistical process control methods. Thus, Deming helped to organize the process of mass education of managers in Japan. Analyzing Deming’s experience in Japan, Best and Neuhauser (2005) emphasized that “the reputation of Japanese products changed from being equated with low quality to becoming the world leader in manufacturing excellence” (p. 310). Japan recognized the numerous merits of William Edwards Deming’s strategy and established the Deming Prize in 1951. The award is given annually both to the companies for outstanding achievements in improving the quality and to the individuals for their significant contributions to the theory and practice of quality management. Moreover, for his major contribution to Japan’s recovery, the Emperor awarded W. Edwards Deming the Order of the Sacred Treasure, the most honorable Japanese imperial reward for foreigners.

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Deming’s theory and main principles of quality are summarized in a system that consists of 14 points which are followed by the top managers of various countries. The scientist believed that mistakes are in fact wonderful opportunities for improvement and no one should be blamed for them. Concerning the main principles of work, Deming opined that each person should view their job not as a duty but as pleasure. An individual can enjoy their job only if they understands its main principles as well as the desired goals. Thus, the main task of a good manager is to explain all principles of the job to employees. Indeed, Deming believed that each manager could achieve success in the particular sphere leading their business in the right direction. In addition, Deming considered quality a collective responsibility. The scientist believed that each employer is responsible for the final result; thus, they should be motivated properly. Moreover, all workers should believe not only in the final goal but also enjoy the process of work.

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To conclude, William Edwards Deming is called an ambassador for quality improvement for his major achievements in quality management. Deming’s theory implied continual improvement of the quality of products and services. Being a particularly talented manager, Deming contributed not only to the U.S. science since his informative lectures on statistical quality control methods were widely accepted by senior executives of Japanese companies. Most importantly, Deming effectively helped Japan to recover after World War II. Undoubtedly, Deming’s Fourteen Points provide invaluable help for all managers who want to lead their companies to success.

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