Free «Staffing Strategy for a New Plant» Essay Sample

Free «Staffing Strategy for a New Plant» Essay Sample

To begin with, staffing strategy is a very crucial component that influences business success. When company is developing a strategy to implement staffing, one has to take into consideration many things. In this regard, the major role of employees is to ensure that the strategies of staffing are aligned to the business strategy.

The Best Geographic Location for the Plant

Considering that the company requires the way to control costs and needs enough quality and quantity of labor, the management of the company must consider geographical locations that will possess a strong system of education like colleges, primary, secondary, college, and technical schools, which will have lower expenses (Stevens & Campion, 2009). An example of such location may be Midwestern states like Indiana, Minnesota, or Iowa, or southeastern states like Georgia and North or South Carolina. In these locations, low wages are paid, and the states are well known for having educated workforces.

Where Should the Plant Come from?

Because of the fact that there is a necessity for developing a new kind of workforce with new skills and knowledge, strong leadership is required for supporting the new strategic aim to create products that are more innovative and stylish. An internal employee, who can be trusted and respected, is required because of the fact that he or she is aware of business and can make a team that will work effectively (Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). Therefore, in order to be the appropriate plant manager he or she must be someone from the inside of the company and be aware of what happens. Moreover, he or she should be familiar with the products. This will help in boosting the morale of the employees, because they will understand that when they will put some extra efforts, they will have an opportunity to be promoted to another level.


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What the Match for Staff?

Personal and organization match as well as personal and job match are essential in making sure that the decision of staffing is made in an effective manner. The match between an individual and job will establish a good fit on what person is required to have in work. However, to succeed for an individual it is essential that the style and the value system of the employee were compatible with the organizations culture (Combs & Davis, 2010). When the fit between the individual and organization is not good, in a certain job a highly qualified individual will not be able to perform well because he or she does not have a compatible approach to performing the task according to the way the firm functions.

Staffing the Plant with a Flexible Work Force

If to take into consideration staffing the key positions with an approach of core workforce it is advisable to obtain stability that is required so as to make a successful new plant. The employees are supposed to be made regular. It is advisable to initiate staffing for non-key jobs with a workforce, which is flexible, to lower the costs and vary the levels of staffing as a result of fluctuating demands for the company’s products.

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Plant Staffing

In early stages, the plant should be understaffed. If the plant is kept understaffed, the costs will be minimized, and the staffs will be kept as lean as possible. If in a company is a high demand for the products to a point where new staffs are required, now the organization can hire new employees or request the existing employees to work overtime as it was indicated by Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller (2012). It is worthwhile to say that this strategy assumes that there are an adequate quality and quantity of labor in the external labor market.

Employee Retention

According to Arthur (2009), if the employee is given low pay and benefits in association with some key jobs in the plant, the retention of the employee will be the main problem. If there is low retention of employees, the new plant will not be stable which may lead to a diminished creativity between team members in the plant. Moreover, low employee retention may lead to increased cost of doing business due to training new employees.

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In conclusion, to have an effective staff, managers who wish to design their companies to pool the knowledge of an employee better must consider the motivational effects.

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