Free «Power and Politics» Essay Sample

Free «Power and Politics» Essay Sample

Nearly, all of the major genres in inter personal powers have been displayed in this case study. Coercive and legitimate power displays were apparent when John Lasseter approached the studio head without notifying his immediate superior about a private project on computer generated cartoons. One of his superiors used coercive powers to deny Lasseter a fair hearing and then he was kicked out by his boss that was a display of legitimate power. Expert and referent powers came into play when Lasseter was appointed chief creative director at Pixar studios and finally he achieved referent powers when he was given complete authority to revolutionize and develop movies by Iger and Cook.

He went on create animation movies like ‘finding nemo ‘ which was a huge success worldwide, Negative powers came into play when Lasseter was asked to leave Walt Disney as a young trainee and positive power of reward and expert powers were displayed when his creative talent was recognized at Pixar studios and finally when he was asked to make computer generated animation movies for Walt Disney after they took over Pixar studios and his innovative skills were finally recognized at his dream company. In my opinion, it was a bit of both. Lasseter made the mistake of not informing his direct boss of his private project and insulted him by super ceding him and approaching the studio head directly.


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It was a display of both coercive and legitimate power as his boss was well within his rights to fire him. Organization politics and power are a part of every organizational culture. Though rules and procedures inhibit the use personal power and politics, unfortunately this case study is an example of political power play in Walt Disney.

In my personal experience, the mall where I was worked had two sales girls who had an equal amount of experience and were equally capable for supervising the store in the owner’s absence. However, the responsibility was given to the girl who was more charming and friendlier with the owner therefore the owner’s personal power and politics helped the shop girl in getting the supervisory position.

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