Free «Behavioral Theory» Essay Sample

Free «Behavioral Theory» Essay Sample


To begin with, behavioral theory or behaviorism was developed by John Watson and is used to study the behavior that is stimulated by certain factors. According to Watson, intentions and thoughts were internal processes and, therefore, hard to understand, but behavior is observable. The consequences of behavior can be either reinforcement or punishment. The former always strengthens the behavior, while the latter makes the conduct of a person weaker. Moreover, the theory can be used to understand a person who is experiencing stress or depression so as to assist the person to change his or her behavior (“Behaviourism: A framework for common sense therapy,” 1976). The following paper discusses the behavioral theory, illustrates its advantages and disadvantages on the example of a client Ana who has lost her job.

Appropriateness of the Theory to Ana

The principles of the theory are learning about stimulus and responses of behavior and behaviors in certain situation. Considering Ana’s behavior, the theory indicates that her stress is stimulated by losing job, lack of family and relative support, for example, her husband has been deployed overseas and she is worried about raising her son alone. The client’s responses from the stimulus are being worried and retaining things to herself. This is her first time when she is attending counseling sessions. Furthermore, she has the family members who would assist in solving some problems, but she decided to solve them by herself.


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The Purpose of Choosing the Theory

The following theory provides the means of controlling undesirable behavior through negative rewarding. This will help to weaken the client’s behavior of worrying about her problems and lack of talk about them. In this case, the theory is preferred since it is based on observing behavior, which makes it easy to collect information from a client (McLeod, 2016). According to observation, the counselor identified that Ana is going through a stressful time, there was the lack of eye contact, her eyes were tearful, and her hands were trembling.

Goals of the Counselor Using the Behavioral Theory

Firstly, one important goal is that the counselor using these theory sets can help the client to relax. Ana is worried and stress makes her anxious, thou the counselor can help her to relax by building rapport and showing unconditional positive regard towards her. Secondly, the counselor will aim at helping the client identify her rational and irrational behavior (“Behavioral approaches decision-making counseling,” 2016). Some of irrational behaviors that worsen her situation are the lack of food, the feeling of hopelessness, and being overwhelmed with raising her son. The techniques that the counselor will use to accomplish the goals are behavioral intervention such as helping her to relax using stress inoculation and diaphragmatic breathing, and being empathetic overall. Behavioral analysis technique will assist the client in identifying the rational and irrational behavior.

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The Time Frame of the Theory

The theory is applicable for short-term purposes. The reason is that it only depends on the behaviors that can be observed at that time and it is not concerned with other underlying factors. In this case, the counselor’s study deals with the current behavior of Ana, which may change in the future. In addition, the counselor will not be concerned with other underlying issues behind Ana’s current behavior.

The Role of the Counselor to the Client

In this case, the role of the counselor creates a safe and trusting environment for Ana, given that this is her first time when she is attending such a session. The counselor must show the client that he/she is willing to listen to her and regards her positively. The other role of the counselor is to highlight the rational and irrational behavior that client possesses. This is the only way that the irrational behavior will be punished and rational one rewarded. Furthermore, the counselor will provide alternatives to overcoming stressful situations. Lastly, he will encourage the client to make conclusions and select the right directions in order to overcome her challenges (“Client and therapist responsibilities,” 2016).

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The Role of the Client with the Counselor

Firstly, one important role of the client is to retain time on the appointments. This will ensure that the sessions run smoothly as planned. Secondly, the client must feel free to talk about his or her issues, which will make it easy for both to conduct discussion and find alternatives together. Moreover, the client should provide feedback about the session so that they can be improved or maintained. Lastly, in case of termination, he or she should notify the counselor in advance and give the reasons for termination (“Client and therapist responsibilities,” 2016).

Appropriate Population for the Theory

The appropriate population suited for the therapy is children. The theory can be used to inculcate appropriate behavior in children and help them to learn what people in authority want them to be. Furthermore, they can learn about undesirable behavior and the ways of changing them. The counselor should do this while focusing on the cultural and social needs of the children thus helping them to know what behavior and actions the society requires from them (“Behavioral approaches decision-making counseling,” 2016).

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Additional Information for the Client

The counselor may need to get more information about Ana’s husband to understand whether he assists in raising the boy. In addition, counselor needs to know whether the marriage is legalized, because the husband ought to be contributing in raising their child. Finally, the counselor needs to know about the husband’s parents as well as Ana’s friends.

The Risk of Using Behavioral Approach

One risk of using the theory is that it may be ineffective for the clients whose situations require referral for medical help. The theory deals with observable behaviors, but there are some issues that cannot be observed and may need medical attention.

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