Free «How to Make a Positive Impression on New Colleagues» Essay Sample

Free «How to Make a Positive Impression on New Colleagues» Essay Sample

In addition to all the anxiety you experienced during the hiring process, now you are faced with another challenge – your first day at work. Day One is very important for every newbie, since most positions imply a probationary period, during which a person should demonstrate his/her best qualities and prove loyalty to a company. Although Day One is not a single day when your colleagues will make up their mind about your personal and professional qualities, you will have no other chance to make the first impression. So, here are some certain rules that will help you to be admired by your colleagues from the very first day at the new job.

Show up Early

Study traffic patterns in advance and make sure you arrive on time. It is a bad idea to start your first day at work with the excuses for being late.

Think of the Way to Introduce Yourself

It is up to you to determine what your colleagues should find out about you during your first day at work. Create a short casual speech about yourself and introduce it to your colleagues. In addition, remember to maintain eye contact and smile during your presentation.


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Remember Names

Do not tell everybody that you are not good with names. Even if you are, do your best to remember the names of all your colleagues. People appreciate when their names are remembered. So, use some tricks, such as making associations, to remember the names of your colleagues at first acquaintance.

Arrange Your Workspace

Pay attention to the way your colleagues organize their workspaces. If there are personal things on their tables, such as decorations and photos, bring some personal items from home to decorate your own workspace. On the other hand, avoid looking sloppy and do not overload your workspace with too many details.

Ask Reasonable Questions

Use your status of a newbie to ask reasonable questions about the company and your responsibilities. On the contrary, be careful not to challenge the status quo with delicate inquiries.


Pay attention to your colleagues’ words when they are talking to you. If they perceive you as an inattentive person and a bad listener, you will have fewer chances to create a positive impression.

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Stay Positive

Even if it is not the job of your dream, act like it is. Everyone expects you to be happy during your first day at the new job, so do not disappoint your colleagues.

Do not Seem a Clock Watcher

Even if you are extremely bored with your job, do not demonstrate your feelings. Try to make yourself busy with new responsibilities and seem being interested in your new position.

Use these pieces of advice, behave friendly and be yourself during your first day at the new job.

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