Free «The Social Dilemma: The Usage of Social Media» Essay Sample

Free «The Social Dilemma: The Usage of Social Media» Essay Sample

  1. Staying off my phone for 24 hours is a daunting task for me as I connect with people mostly through social media. It provides me with an opportunity to check on my friends and family. I could turn off the phone for 24 hours if I absolutely needed to, but I have to stay in touch with my parents, so any notification from them would compel me to check on my phone.
  2. To prevent addiction to social media, one should try to cut back on consuming lots of useless information on the Internet. That may include unsubscribing from entertainment channels and people whom the individual does not know in person.
  3. I use social media to connect with people. It is not the only way to achieve that, but it, arguably, is the most convenient way.
  4. I would keep WhatsApp, as it allows me to connect with people without consuming a lot of media content on the Internet.
  5. I will not change any privacy settings as I am not concerned with data mining, privacy, or media bias because social media are not a huge part of my life. Besides, I try to acquire important information through various sources on the Internet.
  6. I always see ads for products of my interest, and I have never seen ads for products I only talked about. It does not bother me as I am very frugal and careful with money anyway.
  7. The final part of the film that raises questions about the spread of misinformation and political polarization in the United States resonates with me. I think that social media may harm social cohesion in America and incite violence in the streets, which are the issues of my concern. It pertains to my experiences of being a politically active individual as I feel threatened to express my point of view in public because of safety concerns.
  8. I always double-check the information on the Internet before sharing it. I have several preferred online newspapers, both liberal and conservative. It allows me to see different perspectives on various issues.
  9. I trust established newspapers with a long history, such as The NYT and The WSJ because they adhere to strict standards and value their reputation above all. I may get information elsewhere, but I always check what these newspapers have to say on the issue.
  10. I am very careful with words, both online and offline. Besides, I try not to engage in meaningless discussions. That is why I do not regret posting anything on the Internet.
  11. Being on the other side of the screen make people more frivolous and emotional and often makes them angry without any reason. A person sees only filtered and heavily edited profiles of others on the Internet, which makes it difficult to figure out what a person is like in the real world.

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