APA is one of the most popular citation styles applied to academic papers. The abbreviation stands for the American Psychological Association. APA style is typically used to cite sources in social and behavioral sciences. Wondering what social sciences are?

These are the sciences concentrated on such aspects of human behavior as cultural and social relationships. The areas related to this broad term are:

  • Anthropology
  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Economics
  • Human Geography, etc.

As to the behavioral sciences, they study animal and human behavior. This area includes the following fields:

  • Cognitive Science
  • Psychology
  • Neuroscience

Being aware of the peculiarities of APA format is essential for both students and different field experts since it ensures proper paper arrangement and demonstrates one’s expertise and competence in a specific area and awareness of the set writing standards. If you are not good at making a correct APA essay format, read this article. It includes useful information as to how to cite sources in APA format essay, make accurate APA citations, arrange a reference page, organize in-text citations, etc.


Number of pages

Basic Details about APA Essay Format

To write an APA format essay in the right manner, one should be familiar with the basic features of the said style.
So, draw yours attention to the following list:

  • Double spacing is applied to the entire text.
  • 1" margins are set on all sides.
  • Indentation applies to all paragraphs.
  • The title of an essay in APA is centered with a student’s name together with institution affiliation provided underneath.
  • 12pt font is used within the text.
  • Page numbers in APA format are placed in the upper right corner.
  • It is advised to put one space after the majority of punctuation marks.
  • A running head is to be provided in the upper left hand corner.

These are general APA format guidelines. To get a better understanding of how to organize a title page of an essay in APA or deal with any other structural component, keep following this article.

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Writing an Essay in APA: Establishing a Proper Paper Length

Of course, the length of an APA paper depends on the instructions provided for a student. Concerning the content, it’s important to make sure that your ideas are expressed in a clear and cogent manner. It is essential to be specific, thorough, succinct, and professional. Irrelevant information as well as useless details should be avoided. This will help you meet the word count requirements.

Learning to Write an APA Format Essay Headings and Subheadings

Headings play a crucial role in different pieces of writing. Whether it goes about an APA paper or that of any other kind, headings make it easy to follow. They help readers quickly navigate the paper and find the needed information. As to APA format, there are five levels of headings. The headings of the 1st level apply to the major sections such as “Results,” for example. The heading levels ranging from 2 to 5 are applied to subheadings. Keep in mind that each level should be arranged in a specific way.

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Want to find out more about how to organize headings in APA style correctly?
Have a look at the following list:

Level 1
  • This is the title of your work
  • It is to be centered in the middle of the page
  • It should be written in bold
  • Title capitalization is to be applied
Level 2
  • This heading should be located against a let margin
  • Bold letters are to be used
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters should be use where required
Level 3
  • This heading should be located against a let margin
  • Bold letters are to be used
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters should be use where required
  • Place a period after a heading
Level 4
  • Indentation from the left margin is to be used
  • Bold style is used
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters should be use where required
  • Place a period after a heading
Level 5
  • Indentation is used
  • Bold style is applied
  • Italics are to be used
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters should be use where required
  • Place a period after a heading

According to general APA format rules, double spacing is applied to all headings and no additional spaces or lines between the sections are set.

Title Page in APA Format

A title page AKA a cover page is the first page of an academic work. This page may be arranged differently depending on its type, meaning whether it’s student or professional. Still, in both cases, the work title, writer’s name and affiliation should be added. As to student papers, they should contain the course number and title, professor’s name and the due date. The professional ones contain an author note and running head.

It’s worth admitting that some professors do not demand a title page, while others - do. In case of doubts, ask your professor for clarifications.

The fundamental elements which a cover page in APA format includes are:

  1. Title
  2. Authors’ names
  3. Institution affiliation
  4. Course number and name
  5. Professor’s name
  6. Due date

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In case an author note is needed, it has to be put below the Institution affiliation. Below, there are some helpful tips on how to make a good title page in APA format:

  • The title should be catchy and engaging, and represent a core idea of the paper. Abbreviations and senseless words are to be avoided in a title.
  • The title should be centered and located about 3-4 lines from the top.
  • Bold style and tile case should be used. As to the font size, it should be the same as that applied to the entire paper content. No italics or underlining is to be used.
  • A cover page should be double-spaced.
  • The authors’ names are to be provided without any title, e.g. Mrs. or Doctor. When indicating your professors’ names, use the style/form they deem state.

Find it hard to arrange a cover page in APA format? Turn to our team for assistance! Our experts would be glad to give you a helping hand.

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Running Head in APA Style

As it has been stated above, running heads are not needed for student papers, and the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th edition proves it. However, according to the 6th edition, such a structural component is needed. So, you’d better clarify the matter with your professor. As to professional papers, running heads are the element that cannot be avoided.

Don’t know exactly what a running head implies? This is nothing else than a page header located at the top of each page. It contains two items:

  • paper title
  • page numbers

Page numbers are to be placed at the right-hand side of the paper. In front of the numbers, no p. or pg. is to be placed.

The “TITLE OF YOUR WORK” should be placed on all pages, the cover one included, and justified to the left. In case a complete title is longer than 50 characters, the running head should be its concise version.

Writing an Outline in APA Essay Format

Outlines are very useful since they help authors stay focused on the topic, identify the research scope, and produce a consistent work. As to the outline structure in APA format, there are no specific rules to be followed. It’s up to you to decide how to arrange it and what characters to use. Some authors use roman numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Not to get into trouble, ask your professor for clear specifications (if an outline is required at all).

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We offer you to have a look at the following outline example. Perhaps it will help you organize yours:


Thesis statement

1. Topic sentence
  • Supporting data
    • Idea development
    • Idea development
  • Supporting data
2. Topic sentence
  • Supporting idea
    • Idea development
    • Idea development
  • Supporting idea
    • Idea development
    • Idea development

Organizing an Abstract in an Essay in APA Format

To write an APA format essay abstract in the right manner, one should know what is and why it’s needed.

So, an abstract is a concise summary of the entire paper that consists of about 150-200 words. This structural component is usually intrinsic to professional papers but not student ones unless it goes about long academic works such as dissertations and theses. An abstract helps readers decide whether to read the entire paper or not.

An abstract is written on a separate page which follows the cover one and is labeled with a corresponding title. The first line shouldn’t be indented. Abstracts are usually presented in one paragraph without any headings. Below the abstract, you may write keywords related to the topic separated by a comma, which should be labeled with the word “Keywords.”

A few hints to keep in mind when writing an abstract in APA style:

  • Highlight the fundamental points of your investigation. Write an APA paper abstract in a concise manner.
  • Apply double spacing.
  • Use an active voice.
  • Avoid evaluating your paper. Your task is just to explain what it is built around.
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In case of difficulties in creating a solid abstract, use our services. Our specialists are well aware of all peculiarities of APA essay format and are ready to help you organize your writing project correctly.

Peculiarities of the Body Section in an APA Paper

After a cover page (when it goes about a student paper) or after an abstract (in case of a professional work), start preparing the body section.

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The majority of APA format papers are organized in the following way:

  1. Put the page number at the top of a page, in the upper right corner namely, on all pages including the cover one.
  2. On the following line, provide a title, bold and centered.
  3. Start with the introductory section. The first line of a paragraph should be indented. All body paragraphs should be indented as well.

The majority of professional or scholarly projects have extra structural components. The following directions are to be considered when working on such writing projects:

  1. Begin with a running head. Capitalize a title. The abstract page should be numbered 2.
  2. An introductory section highlights the matter in question. This unit should provide more details about the addressed problem than the abstract.
  3. Label a new section as Method. This title should serve as a subtitle, which has to be bold and centered. This unit demonstrates how the research was carried out. Remember to describe the methods used for gathering information.
  4. Name the next chapter as Results and make it bold and centered. This section highlights the research results. Using visuals such as tables and figures, charts, etc. is quite helpful in this section.
  5. Title the subsequent section as Discussion and make it bold and centered. This unit serves to interpret the obtained research findings and explain whether they confirm the formulated hypothesis or not, identify the limitations of the investigation and suggest recommendations for further research.

If you find it challenging to deal with APA essay format, get in touch with us straight away. Our writers regularly undergo trainings to improve their knowledge of the peculiarities of APA format. So, you can be sure your essay in APA format will be organized properly.

Reference Page in APA Format

A reference page follows the body section and precedes appendices. It includes all sources cited in a piece of writing.
Below, there are several important points to keep in mind when formatting a reference section:

  • The title “References“ should be bold and centered. No quotation marks, italics or underlining should be used.
  • Arrange all entries in alphabetical order. Apply double spacing.
  • Use Arial, Times New Roman or any other readable font.
  • Information taken from outside sources should be quoted and have a corresponding entry in the reference section.
  • A reference section can be longer than 1 page.

Need some help with your reference section? Use our online writing service! We can help you make your reference page look neat and clear!

Tables and Figures in APA Format

These two visual elements are organized in the same way. They precede a number and title and follow explanatory notes if required.

The words “Figure” or “Table” and a number should be bold. A title is placed on a separate line below the mentioned items. Title case and italics are to be used. In tables, only a few horizontal lines are to be used and row and column names should be succinct. No vertical lines are to be used.

Figures should be designed in a simple way. If needed, a title and legend can be added. Color is to be applied only when required.

  • Useful Advice on the Writing Style in APA Format

The papers covering scientific topics differ from those covering some sort of literature subjects. While the former are clear, succinct, and objective, the latter are creative and more personal. Below, you will find several recommendations about the tone, verb use, and other aspects that should be considered when producing an APA paper.

  • Verb Use

Using verbs, make certain they are used in the same tense throughout your paper. Talking about scientific academic works, it’s advised to use:

  • either the past tense or present perfect to explain some processes;
  • past tense to explain the research results;
  • present tense to highlight a conclusion and describe future implications.
  • Writing Tone

Your piece of writing has to be interesting and engaging. So, mind your readers and then establish a proper tone of writing that would help them delve into the APA format essay and learn more about the topic.

  • Abbreviations: Do’s and Don'ts

Using abbreviations can be rather tricky. One may get confused about using periods between the letters in, applying capitalization, writing the names in full all the time, etc. To make everything clear, have a look at the following list of tips:

  • Use abbreviations reasonably. Too many abbreviations may confuse readers and make the work complicated for understanding.
  • In case an abbreviation is mentioned less than three times in a work, type it out each time since it’s hard to bear in mind what an abbreviation stands for.
  • Before using an abbreviation for the first time, type it out and provide the very abbreviation right away in parentheses. The following uses of the same abbreviation does not require description.
  • In-text Citations

You have detected a great quote and want to include it in your paper but you don’t know how to arrange APA citations. We will help you out. In this article, you will find detailed explanations as to how to organize APA citations. First and foremost, you need to keep in mind that copy-pasting is unacceptable. Every time you use information from outside sources, make sure to give proper credit to the author(s).

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APA applies two different forms of in-text citations, i.e. parenthetical and narrative. Both require:

  • Author’s name
  • Publication year

The difference between these forms is in the way information is provided.

Parenthetical citations are commonly used in academic works where the mentioned reference items are provided at the end of a sentence in parentheses.

Narrative citations allow including one or both of the listed elements inside of the running sentence. It helps avoid repetitions. In case only one of the provided items is added in a sentence, the other one is presented parenthetically.

If the source has two authors, the parenthetical citation has to provide both. In case of three or more authors, they can be abbreviated in a parenthetical to “et al.”, which stands for “and others.”

Expert Assistance with APA Papers

Making accurate APA citations, setting page numbers correctly, arranging a reference section in the right manner and organizing any other elements in APA is sometimes very confusing and complicated. If you need to format your academic work in this citation style but encounter some difficulties, do not get upset. Contact us for help! Our team consists of qualified and trained specialists who have considerable experience in academic writing. They do know how to make accurate APA citations, how to cite different sources of information, etc. So, do not waste your time! Reach out to us today to get professional assistance!

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