Throughout the academic years, students have to deal with different types of papers. Each academic work has it’s own features, characteristics, and has to be written according to the set standards and professor’s requirements in particular.

Each piece of writing is usually arranged in a specific citation style, i.e. MLA, APA, Chicago, IEE, etc. that shows how to cite sources within a paper. In this article, we are going to talk about MLA format papers and their peculiarities.

It’s necessary to say that many students encounter difficulties in arranging MLA format research papers, essays, etc. There are a lot of details to keep in mind concerning headings, page numbers, in-text citations, subheadings, etc. To help you avoid problems, we have prepared a helpful MLA formatting and style guide for you to consider. In case professional help is needed, we are always at your service.


Number of pages

MLA Style: Background Information

MLA stands for Modern Language Association, the organization that is responsible for developing this format. MLA style is applied to the writing projects produced in the humanities. Its purpose is to help researchers, scholars, and students arrange their papers in a way that makes them easy to follow.

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Those who use MLA style in the right manner show that that they have given proper credit to the author(s) of the sources they’ve used when preparing their papers. Moreover, it helps writers avoid accusations of plagiarism what is very important in the academic setting.

If you need to produce MLA format papers but are not fully aware of how to make accurate MLA citations, headings, etc., find a reliable MLA handbook to consult with. Lack time to browse the Net is search of a good MLA handbook? Then, keep reading this article. Here, you’ll find detailed information about MLA formatting.

MLA General Format: Major Points to Pay Attention To

Below, there is a list highlighting general MLA formatting directions:

  • Use your PC to type your writing project and then print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
  • Apply double spacing to your MLA paper and use an appropriate font type and size (for example, 12 pt. Times New Roman). Regardless of the font applied, regular and italics type styles have to contrast with each other.
  • Leave one space after a period or any other punctuation mark unless otherwise specified by your professor.
  • Set 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5" from the left margin. To do it, use the “ab” button.
  • Make a running head that numbers all pages successively in the upper right-hand corner 0.5" from the top right aligned. Note that you may not need to put the page number on the first page. It depends on the instructions.
  • Italicize the titles of lengthy projects, and provide emphasis when required only.
  • Provide endnotes (if any) on a separate page before the MLA works cited page. Title this section Notes and make it centered without any formatting.

Pay attention that these are only general MLA formatting guidelines. Below, you will find explicit instructions as to how to arrange a running head, in-text citations, MLA works cited page, and other items. So, keep reading to broad your knowledge of the said citation style.

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Arranging a Header and a Title

In the MLA format papers, a header has to be provided on the first page of your work, left-aligned. It has to include such items as:

  • Your full name
  • Your professor’s name
  • The course title or number
  • The paper due date

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After the header, press the ENTER button once and type the title of your MLA paper. Remember that the title should be centered and capitalization is to be applied. Avoid placing a period after the title/heading. Apply double spacing between the title and first lines of the text. Pay attention that the MLA format term papers or any other works that contain several authors should have a separate title page.

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Making a Proper Running Head in MLA Format Papers

Every page, including the first one, should contain a running head. It is to be put at the top of each page together with your last name and a page number. Note that your last name has to be placed before the page number and separated from it by a single space. Remember not to put the word “page” or such abbreviations as p. or pg. before the page number.

How to arrange it properly in MLA format research papers? Pay attention to the following steps:

  • Double-click at the top of a page
  • Enter your last name
  • Insert a page number (it can be done automatically)
  • Make the data left-aligned

This algorithm can be applied to arranging a running head in both Google Docs and Word documents.

It’s worth admitting that the running head may begin at the second page. Still, it depends on the instructions. So, make sure to carefully study your professor’s directions to avoid any inconsistencies when formatting your MLA format essays or any other types of works.

Formatting MLA Works Cited Page. What to Consider

MLA works cited page as well as that in any other citation style is provided at the end of an academic work. It includes the list of sources you’ve referenced in your paper arranged in alphabetically. Exclude the sources, which you didn’t cite in your writing project unless it goes about the annotated bibliography task.

The title “Works Cited” is to be centered at the top of a page. Once the title is created, press the ENTER tab once and provide references. In case a reference item is more than one line in length, each of the following lines after the first one should be 0.5" indented. It’s called a hanging indent. Double spacing is to be applied to all entries. All entries on this page should end with a period.

Headings and Subheadings in MLA Format Term Papers

These items are not obligatory, but they can help you make a proper paper structure, especially when it goes about lengthy writing projects. Concerning the requirements for arranging headings in MLA format papers, there are only a few of them:

  • Title case is to be applied
  • Left alignment should be used
  • No period placed at the end

The font and size of headings should be the same as that applied to the body section. Title case capitalization should be used. Consider applying boldface to headings and italics to subheadings.

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MLA Formatting and Style Guide to Arranging Tables

Tables and other visual material in MLA format research papers should be placed close to the text it relates to. Explanation as to how to format illustrations and tables can be found in MLA handbook took. We have gathered together useful tips so that you do not have to spend much time looking for the needed information.

  • Constructing Tables in MLA Format Papers

  • Tables are to be labeled, numbered and include an explanatory title. A title and label are put above the table on sperate lines. The label and number should be highlighted in bold.
  • A caption that provides the source data is placed below the table. In case the table is your own project, no caption is needed.
  • Then, explanatory notes go on the pertinent part of the table with a superscript letter. Indentation is to be applied to the first line of each note. This formatting peculiarity should be made automatically by the word processor you are using.
  • The text in tables should be double spaced as well as that of the rest of your MLA paper. The table title is to be arranged in the tile case capitalization. Still, this does not apply to the notes or caption.
  • Organizing Figures in MLA Format Research Papers

  • Figures, meaning any image in your MLA format essays other than a table, are also numbered and labeled. However, unlike tables, the mentioned items are embedded in the caption that goes below a specific figure. The caption should be centered.
  • The word “Figure” is written as “Fig.” and followed by the figure number and period. The rest of the caption provides either complete source data or just some basic information about the image such as the author, title, publication year.
  • Source Data in Figure and Table Captions in MLA Format Papers

In case either a table or figure caption contains full information about a specific type of source, which is not otherwise cited in your work, it doesn’t have to be added to the Works Cited page.

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Complete information about the source in a caption should be given in the same way as it would be on the Works Cited page, the inverted author’s name excluded, e.g. Barbara Smith, not Smith Barbara.

If the caption provides only some basic data about a specific type of source, you do require to add a respective entry to the Works Cited page. If this is the case, make certain that the caption includes at least the major data about the source, i.e. author and title so that readers know how to find that source at the end of your work.

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Making Paraphrases in MLA Paper

Writers give preference to paraphrased ideas when they decide to sum up the data from original source and introduce them in their own writing. Though the information is reworded by the writer, credit to the original source is still to be provided using MLA general format.

To paraphrase a text properly, consider taking the following steps:

  1. Detect a passage, phrase or sentence you’d like to reword.
  2. Read the text and make sure you understand it fully. Otherwise, you won’t be able to paraphrase it in the right way. If it’s hard for you to grasp the meaning of the ideas you’re going to reword, take some time to look for background. If this doesn’t work for you, you may ask your friends to help you comprehend the concepts.
  3. Once the analysis of the text is completed, put it away for some time to be able to connect what you’ve read with your assignment.
  4. When everything is clear, start rewriting information minding MLA general format. Note that you need to not simply substitute the words with synonyms since you may be accused of plagiarism. Your task is to process original data and introduce it in your paper using your own writing style.
  5. Add an in-text citation next to the reworded information.

If you encounter any difficulties in paraphrasing information, making in-text citations, etc., consider turning to our professional team for assistance. We are fully aware of all the ins and outs of MLA general format and can help you create remarkable MLA format essays or any other types of papers.

Abbreviations in MLA Format Term Papers

No matter the type of source, i.e. website, blog, article, book, etc., it may include some sort of abbreviations. As to school and college assignments, the MLA handbook specifies that abbreviations shouldn’t be used quite often in the content of papers. It is advised to spell out abbreviations fully since it helps avoid confusion and gives readers a clear understanding of what the author is talking about.

Sometimes, it may be more reasonable to use abbreviations rather than their full meaning. In this case, it’s necessary to use commonly set abbreviations that can be found in dictionaries.

Basic Tips on Abbreviations

  • Adding abbreviations in your MLA format essays, avoid placing periods between capital letters. For example, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome should be abbreviated to AIDS, not A.I.D.S.
  • When it goes about lower case abbreviations, placing periods between the letters is acceptable. For instance, the words “for example” can be abbreviated to e.g.
  • In case of a combination of lower and upper-case letters, a period shouldn’t be used if the majority of letters are provided in the upper-case mode.

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Numbers in MLA Format Papers

There is a specific way of providing numbers in MLA format essays, research papers, etc. Have a look at the following:

Using Numerals

If your paper requires using many numbers, use numerals that precede measurements. For example:

  • 7 pounds
  • 50 grams

When it goes about divisions, use numbers. E.g. On page 7 of the paper… .

Arabic Numbers

Using numbers in MLA format papers, spell them out if they can be written as one word (e.g. five) or two words (e.g. thirty-two). Decimals, fractions or longer numbers should be typed out with the help of digits. Large numbers are to be written themselves.

Consider the following examples:

  • One
  • 15,756
  • Forty-nine
  • Eighteen
  • 543
  • 3,446

Lists in MLA Papers

Using lists in MLA format papers is acceptable in case the established rules are followed. In this formatting style, lists are not provided vertically, they are embedded in the content of the paper. There may be a colon between the opening sentence and the list. However, you shouldn’t add a colon in case the first entry in the list is a part of sentence.

Example #1

This how a list looks like being embedded in the content of a paper:

Mark Twain wrote various books, some of them are considered the best: Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Pudd'nhead Wilson, etc.

Example #2

Below, there is an example of how a list may look like if it’s a part of an opening sentence:

Some of the most popular Mark Twain’s books include Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Pudd'nhead Wilson, etc.

Making In-text Citations in MLA

An in-text citation is a short reference provided in a text that shows the source you’ve referred to. It should give proper attribution to phrases, ideas or direct quotes taken from a specific source and should take readers to the Works Cited list. An in-text citation should include the author’s name and a page number in parentheses.

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When making an in-text citation for a movie or podcast, i.e. the media with a runtime, a range of hours, minutes and seconds you intend to refer to should be provided. E.g. (00:03:17-00:03:45).

Keep in mind that your main task is to give proper credit to the sources you are using without breaking your text. Readers should be able to follow both.

Don’t Know How to Cite Sources in MLA? Contact Us for Help!

It’s understandable that formatting academic papers in MLA or any other citation style may be complicated. There is much information one should be aware of to make correct MLA citations, cite published and electronic sources in the right manner, etc. If you lack knowledge to format your piece of writing correctly, turn to our writers for assistance. Our team consists of qualified writers who are good at formatting papers in any citation style, MLA included. They know how to make accurate MLA citations, cite different types of sources, make references, etc. Therefore, if you see that you can’t handle the task of formatting your academic work on your own, place your order on our website.

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