Writing a Research Proposal

The research proposal is a document, which covers the topic of the study and proves that the research is feasible. This paper has to include an outline of the research objectives or a hypothesis, and a short account of prior research in the issue field. Besides, a research proposal might include some details of the proposed research design and methods, and an outline of chapter headings, such as introduction, description of methodology, research results, literature review, analysis, conclusions.

The main purpose of the research proposal is providing your professor with a basic idea about your study. However, this is not just a kind of a mini research paper.

How to Start

To compile a research proposal, you need to have an exact understanding of what you have to do. Start with reading key papers on the topic in order to understand it better. Determine whether your ideas are achievable and, if yes, you can take it. Also, manage your time so that you could complete your paper as early as it is possible.


Number of pages

The first thing, which you have to do, is to select a specific topic for the research paper. Make sure it is original and interesting. When the topic is selected, think about the thesis. As a rule, a thesis contains only one or two sentences. It is supposed to explain your topic and your point of view. Explain why you have chosen this particular topic and why it is interesting. Remember that the thesis statement should be argumentative.

The introductory part of the paper has to explain the purpose of your study, describe your goals and objectives. As a rule, it includes goals, expected final product, results or applications of the investigation process. You can define specific tasks by creating a list of objectives required for receiving the goal.

Then, define a research strategy. Think where you will find the data and how you will use it.

Formatting the Paper

While formatting the research proposal, remember that it has to be double-spaced, in MLA format and should consist of 2-3 pages. Every paragraph must include not less than seven sentences. Bibliography is placed on the last page of the proposal. It ought to be double-spaced and keep to the alphabetical order. You should include into bibliography each source that you have used writing the paper.

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