What is a Response Essay?

A response essay is simply a response to a particular work given by the writer. In other words, it expresses personal attitude and opinion concerning concrete thoughts and ideas revealed in a work and their application in writer’s life. Arguments, which are expressed in the response essay, always have a subjective character and are defined by writer’s critical abilities.

How to Write this Type of Paper?

Producing a quality response essay requires ability to draw strong parallels between the work that is being analyzed and personal experience. Every statement presented in the essay has to be proved and supported by actual evidences presented in the work. Such approach is necessary because it helps to prevent the risk of emerging new ungrounded opinions on the analyzed work. Besides, this ensures that the essay possesses a logical structure and construction, which makes it easier for the reader to follow writer’s arguments. The author has to take into consideration ideas, on which the analyzed work was originally based.


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How to Create an Outline for Response Essay?

An outline presents a brief summary of the entire response essay. In other words, it is a short description of the major points and facts, given in the studied work. An ability to create good outlines for any types of papers requires great practice.
Writing an outline can be divided into several steps:

  • Determine the main purpose of your essay.
  • Create a list of major points that you are going to consider.
  • Organize these major points into a structure that makes sense.
  • Add several sub-points for each category.
  • Review and adjust your outline.

Response Essay Structure

Like any kind of essay, the response essay consists of three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

The focus of the introductive part of the response essay is the thesis statement. It is commonly made through the process of relating the paper to the writer’s personal experience, which is the result of specific perception.

The body part of a response essay contains an analysis of all aspects of the work and writer’s principal responses to these aspects. In order to make the paper more substantial and purpose-oriented, it is the best to concentrate on several aspects. There are some special techniques, which may be used to demonstrate writer’s attitude to the analyzed work; they include such stylistic devices as simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, and others. All of them help reveal the relevance of work to writer’s personal experience.

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In the concluding part, the writer has to present the evidences that support his or her response to the analyzed work. It has to convince readers that this response is related to the real aspects of the work .

Response Essays Topics and Ideas

There are many topics on which one can write a response essay. However, when writing it, the author should base his conclusions on personal reaction and attitude to concrete ideas, which are revealed in the chosen work. One of key elements of producing a quality response essay is a thorough and delicate approach to the choice of the topic.

However, if you have any doubts on selecting the topic for the response essay, you can always contact us to get qualified help on any paper writing questions.

Response Essay Format

Like any other kind of essay, a response essay can be formatted in APA, MLA, AMA or Chicago/Turabian style, depending on the assignment requirements and essay topic. You should be consistent following the same academic style in all components of your paper: title, headings, spacing, citations, page numbers, reference list etc.

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