Free «Junk Food» Essay Sample

Free «Junk Food» Essay Sample

The term junk food refers to provisions that have limited nutritional value to the human body and contains high quantities of sugar, fats, calories and salt. Junk food contains low amounts of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Candies, snacks, carbonated beverages and fried fast foods are examples of junk food. Fast foods are those that can be organized and served within a short time. Many people like to consume junk and fast food. However, it has been noted that they encourage gorging. There have been suggestions that people should adopt mindful eating habits to help them avoid junk food and help them enjoy meals.

Junk food has a lot of negative effects on our bodies. First, it increases the chances of obesity occurring. Soft drinks and the consumption of junk food cause obesity. Secondly, the consumption of junk food leads into addiction. The addiction to junk food means that there is consumption of low nutrient provisions. Junk food also reduces the strengths of the bones. It decreases the mineral density of bones thus increasing the chances of fracture. Moreover, it increases the chances of complications like tooth decay. Finally, junk food is closely related to the heart diseases. Fats and high calories negatively affect the performance of the human heart.


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The recognition of these negative side effects resulted in the decision to avoid junk food. From Monday to Wednesday, I consumed a well balanced diet and practiced mindful eating. I took a whole meal and milk for breakfast. Lunch meals consisted of baked potatoes, salad, pasta or cooked food. Finally, dinner consisted of whole meal rice, spaghetti Bolognese, steamed vegetables and meat or pasta.

The goal was to avoid junk food and other activities during meal times. The practice was challenging and difficult. However, it made me enjoy meals. The decision to practice mindful eating helped in reducing excessive snacking. The avoidance of multitasking during meals made me avoid junk food. It also helped me to avoid overeating at fast food joints. The experience I gained in the three days is important because it will help me stay lean and healthy. It has taught me the dangers of junk food and the benefits of mindful eating.

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