Free «Film Response:

Free «Film Response: "The Host"» Essay Sample

The Host, directed by Bong Joon-ho, is considered a monster film that depicts social and political events related to the history of South Korea. The entire film’s plot is based on the horrible consequences of the American military dictatorship during the 1980s. Additionally, The Host demonstrates a social conflict caused by the dictatorship, which gradually leads to such natural catastrophe as the appearance of the monster. Therefore, the film illustrates the historical tragedy of South Korea through such symbolic image as a monster.

Following the basic style conventions of a monster movie, The Host revolves around scientists, innocent civilians and militarians, who try to survive and defeat a terrible creature. In fact, science becomes a destructive force that contributes to the creation of a monster in the Koreans’ attempts to get rid of the Americans, who rule their country. An ordinary scientist dumps about two hundred bottles of formaldehyde into the Han River. “Every bottle is coated with layers of dust. Pour them into the sink” (Bong Joon-ho). The incident is a precise hint at the injustice and violation of human rights within the society. The point is that this wasteful act causes a large problem for the whole society and innocent civilians in particular as it leads to mutation and existence of the monster (Lee 46). As a result, one irretrievable mistake of an American scientist and his wrong understanding of the importance of his order make Koreans the victims of the terror. Therefore, by following the basic conventions of a monster film, The Host also addresses important social issues.


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In fact, the image of the monster is used to emphasize the presence of the American power and its unlawful interference into the country. When the tragedy progresses, and the monster begins to kill peaceful people, Americans take the central stage by making considerable efforts to control a current situation. It is obvious that the director tends to focus on the portrayal of American authorities and their incompetent actions. The worst is that they blindly follow the propaganda of the virus, neglecting regulations and rules. It is one more attempt to control the Korean society. Even though it is merely impossible to resist the American military dictatorship, the Park family does not stop fighting with the monster themselves. Therefore, it is an accurate example of human desire to change reality in spite of the government’s oppression and dictatorship. Thus, The Host deals with the issue of American dictatorship in South Korea.

Moreover, the image of the monster becomes an integral part of the film as it symbolizes historical struggles of South Korea against the American dictatorship. The non-existent virus embodies the whole country’s subjection to the US military. On the other hand, both the monster and the American regime reinforce the film’s tension. The Park family’s fighting with the monster represents Korean society’s resistance to American dictatorship. For example, Gang- is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of Hyun-seo by being entrapped by the monster. Eventually, this scene shows that by sacrificing themselves, the Koreans can overcome the American regime. Even though it may be argued that the film “does not appear to draw overtly on nationalism or the concept of the Korean nation” (Lee 53), the Korean’s proudness of their nation and attempts to preserve it are evident in The Host.

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Thus, The Host reveals uncovered truth of the American power based on injustice in South Korea during 1980s through an image of a monster. Following the genre’s basic conventions, the film addresses important social issues. Moreover, the use of the monster helps the director to portray the history of the country and its tragedy, focusing on people, who were forced to suffer from the military dictatorship.

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