Free «Business Opportunity Scams» Essay Sample

Free «Business Opportunity Scams» Essay Sample

These are online schemes staged by fraudsters and they involve valuable goods and fraudsters reach their recipients though spam emails or internet ads. The fraudsters entail their victims to pay for the item before it’s shipped to them-mostly through a check or money order. In most cases, nothing is shipped to the victims and when they are, they are shipped goods of lower value than their money. The fraudsters carry out this activity by shipping black-market commodities without details, guarantees or packaging by any apparent company; ghost products which won’t be shipped; pretending to to be a customer so as to raise the price; and hidden charges. Once I fall victim of online fraudsters, who after they persuaded me to pay for a laptop in advance, never shipped it. To stay safe, one should ask if there are any hidden charges; be careful when dealing with strange sellers; ask the delivery of the shipment; and check for genuine returns policy and endorsement from genuine companies like Yahoo.


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Fraudsters reach their recipients through spam e-mails or internet ads. They entice their recipients by claiming that they can offer ways on how they can generate money instantly. However, make require their recipients to make upfront charges. Once I was a victim of the fraudsters who claimed that I had be shortlisted to join an infamous company and that they required upfront payment as training charges. People should be wary when transacting money with strangers; never read spam emails; never carry out any business via online and be wary of the make-quick-money schemes carried out by swindlers.

Fraudsters use unsolicited emails or internet advertisement to reach their recipients. They hoodwink their recipients that they will get jobs and but should first pay upfront charges. Other tricks used include requiring the recipient to purchase a starter kit or other materials that will require them to use their own money but after they carry out the task, the fraudsters pay nothing leaving their victims to pay for the materials purchased. I fall a victim when fraudsters claimed that I had been offered a job at the bank where I have an account: Barclays. Since they convinced me that they were ban officials, they asked me questions of which I booby-trapped myself and revealed all my account details. Luckily, I had withdrawn all the money before. People should wary of working at home schemes, never disclose their account details and delete spam emails.

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