Free «Teacher as Leader» Essay Sample

Free «Teacher as Leader» Essay Sample

Almost by definition, strategic thinkers are broadly educated, not narrowly trained. They seek not simply direction but to grapple with the underlying questions of whether, why, and what if (Wolk 2003). Teachers have a moral cause and the ability for helping students see that there is a better world full of meaning and purpose to be discovered in the present and in the future (Crowther, Feruson & Hann, 2009). Leading from this perspective gives new meaning to teaching. Learning how to write is a way to help students express thoughts and emotion in creative ways that are guided by the teacher as leader. Coaching becomes a primary vehicle for teaching that comes naturally in the classroom. Teachers coordinate activities and design experiences so that students are engaged with their creative thinking (Blair, 2009). This curriculum is to be used by the teacher as a multidisciplinary project that allows participation by other teachers in the school. Students, through written materials, produce engaging, emotionally charged products while learning about music, history, mathematics, personal health and language arts. Thus, the teacher elicits a creative centered approach for the excellence of the students. This elicits a more writing productive future as the present can only improve in writing.

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