Free «If you eat, you Eat Pesticides» Essay Sample

Free «If you eat, you Eat Pesticides» Essay Sample

Why the Article Is Academic

I am of the view that the article is academic as it gives an insight of the topic of discussion that I may conduct a study. I believe that the subject of study will be of interest to the readers who are interested on the impact of pesticides on health of children. The article will provide with vital information that will enable me to write my research paper that will be informative to the readers regarding health issues.


The article by Raloff & Pendick, “Pesticides in produce may threaten kids,” talks about the dangers that have been brought about by consuming chemicals from agricultural products. The reveals that recent studies have shown that majority of the American children are being given toxic foods that have negative impact on their health. The author gives an example of fruits and various types of vegetables that are consumed by American children. These fruits and vegetables and fruits according to the article contain chemicals such as pesticides. The article gives an example of various studies that have been conducted by various bodies in relation to the extent to which pesticides affects the health of the children. According to the article the studies have indicated that pesticides do not have any direct harm on the health of the children. Thereby, it is unfounded and unsound to make conclusions that pesticides have causes bodily harms on the children who take agricultural products that have been grown using pesticides. The correct position according to the various studies there some aspect of food consumption and preparation that have negative impact on the health of the children.


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According to the article, this includes food preparation methods, eating patterns and pesticide usage patterns. A combination of the three issues put at risk the health of the young people.  If the instruction from the pesticide producing companies is fully followed the issues of chemical causing health problems would be the thing of the past. It is therefore, according to the article parent should change their food preparation methods and the nature of pesticides applied on food items should be regulated to avoid application of highly risky pesticides on these important commodities for human survival. Farmers should resist from the behavior of selling items that do not meet the health standards as they endanger the lives of the consumers. According to the article the legislations to regulate the pesticides usage in America will be based on the NSA and EWG reports.

The article talks about various promises that have been made by various administrations on how to eliminate high risky pesticides in the American market with aim of protecting the Americans from the dangers posed by consuming products grown using these pesticides for example, fruits and vegetables. The article gives an example of Clinton administration that promised the Americans that it will pass legislation that were aimed to control production and distribution of pesticides. The article therefore, argues that further studies needs to be conducted to fully determine what is the impact of pesticides on the health of children before making a baseless conclusion that is cannot be scientifically supported. Government agencies therefore, have the role of ensuring that the food that American children consume is safe.

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The issue of pesticide causing health problem to those who consumers food items produced using this chemical is a national problem. It is unjustified to conclude that pesticide solely causes bodily harm to children. Fruits and vegetables are the most important diets for children growth, and given the rate at which chemicals are applied by farmers during their production it is dangerous to consume the food items without proper guidelines. A national policy should therefore be put in place to regulate the type of food that people consume by ensuring that they are safe for all categories of people to consume.

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