Free «Efficiency of Language Intervention Methods» Essay Sample

Free «Efficiency of Language Intervention Methods» Essay Sample

Research has shown that it’s not very easy to determine the efficiency of a given method without serious evaluation of its theoretical support and the evidence of its efficacy that might be obtained through research. Clinical intervention has revealed its efficacy through the progression in treatment of the specific language impairment. This was possible by assessing different children under treatment using different intervention types. Research has also revealed that the child performs better at the onset of the treatment therefore revealing the efficacy of the interventions. The language intervention method has been termed effective since their have been a marked improvement over time since the onset of the treatment. As we assess the efficiency of these methods it’s also important to put in mind that children with language impairment have slow progression when compared to normal healthy children. For this reason it’s important that one does not cage the efficacy of the treatment basing on the language development of healthy children (Johnson and Jacobson 2007).


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Information obtained from numerous published books reveals that language intervention plays a big role in language development of a child. And this is applicable to both clinical, hybrid as well as natural methods. Most of research done was based on the pre-school kids though it’s applicable to most of the other cases. The research which was carried out based on language, grammatical objectives as well as lexical. Through the research done a conclusion was made declaring that language intervention is efficient in handling specific language impairments that are present in children. Though there has not been an indication that reveals the method that is supreme over the others. For that reason the studies which have been carried out revealed that the combination of both methods brings out a generalization that is much better. Basing on the results of the analysis of the efficacy of the different interventions a few recommendations were made. For example children with language impairment require interventions which are long term as opposed to short term interventions. Besides that, there are new interventions which are underway and they are promising since there will bring faster gain in skills associated with language (Halligan and Wade, 2005).

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Some of the people who play a major role in quick recovery of the affected children are the parents. Parents often help their children in carrying out the therapy assignments as well as offering them the required emotional encouragement and support. At times parents are the main implementers of therapy thereby playing a more direct role in their children’s intervention. Research reveals that parents who are trained are very effective in therapy intervention of their children. The only challenge of using parents to conduct therapy is that most of them are not consistent and for that reason a clinician is required for results to be obtained. Despite of the advantages accrued in the usage of a parent as well as a clinician it’s important that people do not considere the parent based technique as a replacement for the intervention which is clinically based. Also it has been realized that not all parents with children with this disorder can assume such responsibilities thus putting an emphasis on medical intervention (Bishop and Leonard, 2008).

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Most research that has been carried out on the efficacy of the intervention methods has mainly been done on children who speak English. With further research a conclusion was made the effectiveness of this method is not restricted to language barriers therefore it’s applicable across all the available languages. Thus many aspects that facilitate language are similar in respect to language. In spite of the resolutions made about the same it’s important to understand that they are different cultures which influence speaking of the child in different ways. For that reason it might be possible to come up with differences in efficacy of intervention methods across different cultures and social settings. Also it’s important for the medical practitioners to avoid using methods that may be awkward to some people because such a method will not yield the required results. For children who uses two languages it’s important for a bilingual intervention to be applied since it yields better results than unilingual approach. For this reason it’s important that the therapy applied does not eliminate the other language if the whole process must be productive. Therefore intervention method is beneficial for improving the language of a child with specific language impairments (Halligan and Wade 185).

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Language disorders which affect children may differ from those affecting adults. These disorders tend to change as one continues to develop. For this case children usually show disorders associated with the development of language though at times these problems maybe as a result of some kind of illness. When these disorder manifests itself in a child who is growing the disorder maybe related to neurological effects as result of illness or are a congenital disability. These two aspects may seriously interfere with the child’s ability to develop speech. Also some genetic disorders like Down syndrome affect the child’s areas which are associated with speech. For example children that suffer from autism usually develop some difficulties in communicating their feelings. For this case the issue maybe word articulation though general it’s a neurological complication as a result of autism. Other factor which may cause language impairment in children is injuries in the brain and other complications like brain tumors. Other outside factors may include emotion disturbance in children which may lead to some trauma that makes it difficult for the child to communicate audibly and clearly. The loss of the ability to hear at a tender age may also affect the development of language in a child (Johnson and Jacobson, 2005).

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