Free «Language Structures» Essay Sample

Free «Language Structures» Essay Sample

Language structures are addressed in a specific order, in order for the child to gain the necessary prerequisites skills. When doing all this it’s also important to put into consideration the functionality of the child in question. By putting this into consideration the child feels motivated and as a result there is marked improvement in application of the acquired skills into his other activities.

Most of the times its very essential to give priority to the future needs of the child for this reason the child will not be helped only in conversational skills needed at his level but also in advanced skills of language in order for the child to be equipped for classroom as well as for other social interactions. Some other intervention methods may only base on aspects of language that are rule based though others may put emphasis on language meaning with an assumption that it will be used successfully (Bishop and Leonard 2001).

Therefore it’s important to understand that the different interventions approach in use may be designed to aim at different aspects of language. For example interventions made may target skills of language or specific language skills though the two yields fruits in language learning. In the recent past strategies for incorporation of memory components as well as linguistic information processing has been incorporated into the previous interventions. Intervention approaches are characterized to the intent in which they are clinically controlled.


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When the system is clinically controlled the clinician has an opportunity of imposing the specified therapy targets and as a result there is intensive training of the specified targets. For this matter the interventions that are child centered apply more natural activities which entail reinforcement as well as modeling thus making it more useful to the child. One of the challenges of this approach is that the therapist has minimal opportunity in controlling the whole session (Wolraich, Dworkin, Drotar and Perrin 2008).

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