Free «Quality Department Significance» Essay Sample

Free «Quality Department Significance» Essay Sample

The quality department significance is usually related and works together with the industrial sector that particular organization is in. Any drug produced before being taken into the market, has to pass through the quality department for approval. Therefore quality department is a vital area in the overall success of any organization in the pharmaceutical related industries.

The results clearly show that, there are problems in the flow of information and its quality in the organization. As it is important to develop information systems in a systematic and planned way, it is important that the nature of contacts be not limited to just one way contacts (Huotari & Wilson, 1996). This type of information is usually deficient in developing a systematic information system. There was not adequate need for external flow of information as they concentrate only on the technical development part of conveying the information.

The formal information relaying methods from the external sources were mostly employed by the middle class and the systematic or strategic apex. Effective information conveying was only observed thus on the middle levels.


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These external informal contacts were surprisingly used by the ones whose responsibilities are on high quality data as well as reporting frequently. The computer programming and data processing and analysis responsible for the improvement of the accounting and marketing service made a remarkable advancement in graphics areas of the staff involved in marketing. The two-way information communication with both the market research and marketing departments was very important and helpful to marketing and service.

The findings all the same may also show that the informal contacts externally might have been used extensively. This may have been caused by some hiccups in the internal information transfer. The fast rate of advancement in the information sector, has certainly brought about a need to satisfy the information requirements in the ComputerCenter of staying in course with the advancement through informal conveying of information externally. Also external contacts that were informal in nature were used by the middle class as well as the strategic apex to get important information flow.

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Due to the overlap of CSFs important sections had to be used by more than a single group. The analysis on the second level somehow changed the essence of the important themes. This means that, according to the pharmaceutical issue; the Management dedication, the goodwill of customers and the quality department functions changed the whole scenario of the important organizational issues, sectors as well as the related actions.

Major emphasis for the realization of the firm’s strategic aims was primarily placed on information and knowledge as means of support for all operations in this sector, while Staff orientation and human resources played the most significant role, closely followed by quality data and reporting. Research and development, production and quality assurance in general, general management and finance followed in that order.

In an attempt to formulate excellent critical success factors, one of the guiding principles was to build up critical success factors whose application results in apparent differences (RapidBy, 2009). The main impetus for the development of critical success factors was the credence that possibly measurable factors are more realizable- unlike factors which are immeasurable (RapidBy, 2009). Another impetus was to formulate Critical Success Factors that have a momentous impact on the performance of the organization (RapidBy, 2009). By definition, Critical Success Factors are the "most significant" factors for individuals or organizations.

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One of the critical factors that study focused on was the role of theinformation and knowledge in the firm. Similarly, Quality data and reporting was referred as involving critical areas that process and provide necessary information for administrative intelligence. Overall, Staff Orientation and human resource were perceived critical. The examination of the information needs of the human resource department and the speed of the human resource processes were vital to the performance of the overall, staff orientation and human resource activities. The firm is also committed to remaining at the forefront of research and development with a dedication to discovery.

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